263: Lisandrade

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Elaine's POV

Lisa and I have been dating for a month now and I'm really growing fonder and fonder of her everyday. I think I'm starting to fall for her. I know it's soon to say I'm falling but she has an effect on me. So today she was visiting me and the kids were away. I was just wearing your casual fit, jeans and a hoodie. We were doing a movie night today so I made some snacks. Then there's a knock on the door, I go open for her and she had brought me flowers.

Elaine: (smile) hey

Lisa: hey beautiful, these are for you

Elaine: thank you, get in

She pecks my lips then get in.

Lisa: so what are we watching?

Elaine: pitch perfect

Lisa: okay

Elaine: sit down I made some snacks

Lisa: okay I'll put a movie

Elaine: okay

I go take the snacks. When I come back I sit next to her and snuggle. The movie starts

Elaine: babe this is not pitch perfect

Lisa: no it's not

Elaine: (smile) what is it?

Lisa: you'll see

The movie starts and we watch it for sometime and I turn to look at her because this was anything but pitch perfect it was erotic.

Elaine: what is this movie?

Lisa: Fifty shades of Grey

Elaine: I've heard about it

Lisa: it's a nice movie

Elaine: (giggle) you're just trying to make me horny

Lisa: (chuckle) is it working?

Elaine: not just yet

Lisa: (chuckle)

We watch the movie and it gets more erotic with each minute that passes by. I look at her and she looks at me. I go in for a kiss and she kiss me back. This movie of hers worked because I was now horny. We kiss then she pulls away. She looks at me and I look back at her and she kisses me again. We kiss and she takes off my hoodie and I'm left with my bra.

Elaine: let's go upstairs

She continues kissing me and she carries me and she goes upstairs. I direct her without breaking our kiss. When we get to my room she puts me on the bed and gets on top of me and she starts kissing my neck. She kiss my neck then takes off my bra and cups my boobs in both her hands and give them a gentle squeeze. I let out a moan and she sucks on them. I moan again and then she starts kissing my belly while her hands touch every part of my body. She then took off both my jeans and thongs at the same time. She then stood up and and put my legs on her shoulders and kissed them. She slowly went down and when she got to my vj she ate me up. I was moaning out of this world now, I was feeling so much pleasure. She then stopped and took off her top and she was left with her sports bra I was eagerly waiting for her to finish undressing. She then took off her pants along with her boxers and I was so shocked. Lisa has a penis, I wasn't sure what's going on so I stared yeah I know it's rude.  I think she felt uncomfortable because the next thing I know she was getting dressed. I sat up straight and wrapped myself with the sheets and held her hand.

Elaine: where are you going?

Lisa: somewhere I'm not considered a freak show

Elaine: what? I never said that

Lisa: well your actions say that

Elaine: baby come on I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable

She was done getting dressed so she sat down next to me.

Elaine: I'm sorry

Lisa: it's okay I should've told you

Elaine: are you transitioning?

Lisa: no

Elaine: oh

Lisa: (sigh) I was born a boy but we all just thought that I'm a pretty boy but when I reached the puberty stage my penis grew bigger and so did my breasts. My parents took me to a doctor and they told me I'm intersexual meaning I have both features of a boy and a girl. I grew up as a boy so I wanted to cut my boobs off but my dad being a pastor forbid me to do that because he says God knew what he was doing when he created me. So yeah I have a dick.

Elaine: you sure were a pretty boy

Lisa: (chuckle)

Elaine: wait so why is your name Lisa?

Lisa: that's not my full name, my full name is Lisandrade

Elaine: I've never heard of it before

Lisa: yeah it's my great granddad's

Elaine: it's beautiful like you

Lisa: (chuckle)

Now everything made sense, why she was so strong, why she had a deep-ish voice and come to think of it she kinda did tell me a several times that she had a dick but we were just joking so it doesn't really count.


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