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Elaine's POV

We've been back from the gig for a few days now. Billie decided to tighten the security so I can feel safe. She took my phone and made sure that international calls from the house phone don't come through, so I only spoke to my family on her phone.  Billie and I decided that it would be better for the kids to live with her parents until we know for sure what's going on. Today I had the kids over, I missed them.

Elaine: how is it living with grandma and grandpa?

Skylar: it's nice but I miss you and mom

Elaine: you'll come back and live with us okay?

Aidan: mama

Elaine: yes baby?

Aidan: foo

Elaine: you want food?

Skylar: me too mommie

Elaine: come mommie will make you burgers

Skylar: grandma always makes us eat veges

Elaine: (giggle) come

I was wearing nude tights and oversized t-shirt as always, I pick Aidan up and put him in his high chair in the kitchen and Skylar sits on the counter top. I give them some snacks while I make lunch. While I was making lunch like that Billie got in, I like how she always makes time to spend her lunch with me. She comes to me and kiss me then turn to the kids.

Billie: aren't you troubling mommie?

Skylar: (shakes her head)

Aidan: mama

Billie: yes big boy

She picks him up and toss him in the air and he laughs then puts him back. She tries to take Skylar and she refuses.

Skylar: mom I'm old now, that's for kids

Elaine: aren't you a kid anymore?

Skylar: grandma said I'm old now and I'm Aidan's big sister

Billie: (laugh) okay sorry for invading you

Skylar: mommie can I put on make up now?

Elaine: no you're still too young

Skylar: but I'm turning five

Elaine: yes but you're still a kid

Skylar: (pouts)

Billie: mommie is right you're still young but when you turn fifteen I'll get you your own set okay?

Elaine: what?

She winks at me and I just shake my head. I dish up and we eat, Aidan was feeding himself but I was helping him because he was creating a mess. We were just talking about Skylar's birthday that was around the corner.

Billie: so what do you want on your birthday?

Skylar: I want a puppy

Billie: but you have Sharky

Skylar: I want a small puppy to play dress up with

Elaine: why don't you play with Aidan?

Skylar: he's always messing up my tea parties

Elaine: (giggle) okay we'll get you a puppy only if you promise to look after it

Skylar: (smile) I promise

We eat then Billie decided that she's no longer going back to studio. We sit in the sofa and cuddle while Skylar and Aidan play. She tucks my hair behind my ear. I look at her and smile at her before snuggling in her.

Billie: you wanna go upstairs?

Elaine: (giggle) what about the kids?

Billie: they won't even notice we left

I turn to look at them and they were too busy playing tea party, with Skylar serving Aidan.

Billie: come we'll place the baby monitor so we can hear them

Elaine: I don't like this

Billie: please

Elaine: okay

I got off her and walked upstairs and she followed me. We got to our room and she smashed her lips against mine. I reciprocated.

Billie: I wanna taste you so bad

Elaine: taste me then

Billie lays me on the bed and takes off my jeans along with my thong. She then looks at me and bites her lips and I feel butterflies dance in my tummy. She parts my folds and plays with my happy button and I moan. I pull off her t-shirt and take it off. She then goes down and when she was about to connect her tongue to me we hear Aidan cry from the baby monitor. Billie groans then gets on top of me and kiss me.

Elaine: (giggle) baby get off

Billie: one last kiss

Elaine: you'll kiss me all you want at night

Billie: (groan) okay

She then gets off me and wear her t-shirt and walks downstairs.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now