324: healed

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Elaine's POV

A few months have passed since my crazy night out and my scar has healed. Lisa hasn't tried to come in contact with me, Billie told me that's he's the one that helped her find me on that day.

I'm still trying to figure out how to survive in all of this with the help of my family. I'm literally taking it one day at a time, I still get overwhelmed easy and I'm moody but my doctor said I'm doing good. I didn't want to go to therapy, Billie tried to convince me but I just didn't wanna go. Instead of going back to therapy I got back into drawing, it helped me calm down and kept me sane. My favourite drawing so far is a drawing of what I think my baby would've looked like, in my drawing he had his father's emerald eyes. I kinda missed Lisa at times, insane right, but I can't help it. I don't give in into my temptations of going back to him because I know I deserve better than what he had to offer. Billie is slowly becoming a huge part of my life again, truth is I never really stopped loving her. You know the first love always lingers so yeah I guess it was natural.

I was in my craft room trying to paint, yeah I also got into painting that's when my mom came in.

Sandra: baby are you still okay?

Elaine: yeah mom I'm okay, how are you?

Sandra: I'm good if you are, I brought you tea

Elaine: thank you

Sandra: what are you painting?

Elaine: something

Sandra: aren't you gonna show me?

Elaine: I'll show you when it's done

Sandra: okay Billie said she's coming over

Elaine: okay

She leaves me to continue painting. I keep on painting a portrait of Billie. After a few hours  she walks in.

Billie: mamas

Elaine: hey how are you?

Billie: I'm good, daises for the world's most beautiful woman

Elaine: (giggle) thank you

Billie: what are you painting?

Elaine: wait there I'll show you

Billie: okay

She stands there while I do my finishing touches.

Billie: I'll go get us the take aways I left downstairs

Elaine: Chinese?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: (smile) you're the best

She goes downstairs then comes back after a minute or two

Elaine: close your eyes

She does and I turn the painting around then show her

Billie: (smile) this is beautiful, this is the best painting of me I've ever seen

Elaine: (laugh) you're lying

Billie: (chuckle) it's beautiful thou

She pulls me to my bed and we sit down. We eat the takeaways while having nice little chats.

Billie: I missed this, your beautiful laughter

Elaine: (smile)

I put our takeaways away and when I turn she was right in my face we were a few inches away. She tucks strands of my face away then smile at me.

Billie: you're so beautiful

Elaine: Billie?

Billie: uhm?

Elaine: please kiss me

Billie: Elaine I...

Elaine: please

I say that while pecking her lips. I mover closer to her and she holds me and kiss me. She gently kiss me while gently stroking my back. She then pushed my down on the bed and kissed me. We kiss for sometime then I unbutton her shirt.

Billie: are you sure about this?

Elaine: yeah, I want you to make me feel better

Billie: I love you Elaine

I just pull her in more and she takes out my t-shirt then nibble on my collarbone. I then hear the kids calling out for me.

Elaine: Billie the kids

She gets off me toss me my t-shirt and wore hers. I check the time and it was their time to come back from school.

Elaine: let's go

Billie: (chuckle) come before they start asking a lot of questions

Elaine: (giggle) come here you have lipstick

She comes closer and I wipe it away. We walk downstairs and find the kids in the sofa watching TV still wearing their uniforms.

Elaine: why are y'all still wearing your uniform?

Skylar: mommie we are tired

Billie: angel just listen to mommie

Aidan: mom is here too?

Elaine: yes now y'all go change so I can make you lunch

Skylar: but mom

Billie: hurry up the last one to go change is a monkey and we won't go with them for ice cream

They both run to their rooms

Elaine: (giggle)

Billie: I'll start the car


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now