300: blessing

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Elaine's POV

I wake up in the morning laying next to Lisa who had his arm around me basically he was spooning me. I gently get his hand off me and get out of bed.

Lisa: where are you going?

Elaine: to freshen up

Lisa: mhm

I go freshen up and wore my undergarments and went to the suitcase to take out clothes. Yesterday I was very tired that I didn't even unpack.

Lisa: Fiori come here

I walk to him and stand with the bump, it gets a little bigger everyday.

Elaine: yeah you want something?

Lisa: I want to do something lay down here

Elaine: why?

Lisa: just lay down

I skeptically lay down and look at him, he lifts my legs up.

Elaine: you better not tryna trick me into having sex

Lisa: relax I'm just giving you a foot massage

Elaine: mmhhmmm

Lisa: (chuckle)

Elaine: you're a sex addict

Lisa: oh really?

Elaine: yes

Lisa: let me see what kind of addict I am

He said that while kissing my neck.

Elaine: Lisa your mom will walk in

Lisa: she won't

Elaine: but...

Lisa: sshh

He then kissed my neck and undid my bra. When he was about to take the bra off the door opened. I quickly pushed him off me and the door closed, I then punched his shoulder.

Elaine: see I told you

Lisa: it's nothing

Elaine: how is it nothing? Gosh your mom probably thinks I'm disrespectful now

Lisa: no she doesn't

He said that while walking away and I just laughed at the thought that I've been in this situation before with Billie.

Lisa: what are you laughing at?

Elaine: nothing

Lisa: okay I'll see you downstairs

He then went out, no I wasn't about to tell my boyfriend that I'm laughing at memories of me and my ex. I'm so excited for tomorrow because I'll see my babies, they're also here in Italy. I got dressed then went downstairs.

Elaine: good morning

Lisa's mom: morning dear how did you sleep, if you did sleep?

Elaine: I'm sorry I didn't mean to disrespectful you, Lisa came up I tried to chase him away but he wouldn't go but I swear we didn't do anything

Lisa's mom: (laugh) I was once young and I know that when you're in love you want to be next to your lover at all times. I like you for my son.

Elaine: thank you, can I help you make breakfast?

Lisa's mom: breakfast is ready

Elaine: oh, is Mr Gonzalez joining us?

That's Lisa's stepdad

Lisa's mom: he left early in the morning

Elaine: oh okay

Lisa and I had breakfast with his mom. After breakfast Lisa's mom and I went to the garden and we just spoke. She's an easy going person, Lisa left after breakfast to fix some things. We then went back inside when it was getting darker. I was just sitting listening to Lisa's mom telling about Lisa and how he struggled to find himself after he found out he was intersexual. She told me that after he found out he is intersexual he started getting in fights and wrong stuff just to prove his masculinity, he would also bring home different girls. She told me that before he discovered all that Lisa was a jock and a ladies man so that's why she thought he'll never settle.

Lisa's mom: when he told me about you I was surprised because he used to say he'll never get married which broke my heart because he's more than just a...

She then stopped bevause she saw that she was letting out more than required

Elaine: a Cappo?

She looks at me amused

Lisa's mom: he told you?

Elaine: (nod)

Lisa's mom: then why are you still with him?

Elaine: I love him, when I found out I wanted to walk away but my heart wouldn't and now I'm pregnant with his child

Lisa's mom: thank you child, you're a blessing to our family maybe he'll drop all of this

Elaine: I don't think he will, Lisa has pride and he wants to make his dad proud


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now