240: cheating on me?

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Elaine's POV

Days seem to past by fast when you're having fun or enjoying life. Today it was day of the photoshoot/ interview for Family Magazine. We will be the October cover and it was still August. Skylar was so excited to have make up on, she didn't care what we will be. We had several takes in different scenes, in one we were zombies, fairies and vampires. So now Billie and I were doing the interview while the kids were running around all over the studio. One thing I like about magazine questions is that they are straight forward. I just hope the interview goes well and the interviewer looks friendly.

Interviewer: hi

Billie: hi how are you?

Interviewer: I'm good you?

Billie: we're good

Interviewer: shall we start?

Billie: sure

Interviewer: so tell me what does halloween mean to you and your family?

Billie: well halloween for us is a weird day actually because people are dressed as us but we feel honoured about that, right babe?

Elaine: yeah totally, different people celebrate the holiday for different reasons and we also have ours. I personally love halloween because it allows you to be what you want you know?

Billie: yeah and it also kinda gives you a glimpse of what kind of a person someone is for example Skylar always wants to be glamorous and stuff, so from that I can tell a lot.

Interviewer: oh yeah I see what you mean, so what is your favourite mystical creature? Let's make this interesting. I'll give you papers and you'll write them down then Elaine you'll say Billie's and Billie will say yours okay?

We write down our favourite mystical creatures and give them to the interview.

Billie: Uhm Elaine's favourite mystical creature has to be a unicorn. Babe what's mine?

Elaine: yours is a dragon and creatures in your dreams?

The interview shows us the answers and we got it right.

Interviewer: how are creatures in her dreams and how do you know?

Elaine: they kind of look like ghosts but they have tails, I don't know if I'm making sense.

Billie: yeah it's something like that, Elaine and I talk about everything and she has access  to my everything so I tell her

Interviewer: okay so what's your favourite trick or treat candy?

Billie: skittles

Elaine: I don't know I'm not a huge fan of candy

Interviewer: let's talk about your kids, how old are they?

Billie: Skylar is five and Aidan in one

Interviewer: between them who is naughty?

Elaine: (giggle) I think they are equally naughty

Billie: yeah I think so too, Aidan is messy kinda naughty and Skylar is sly kinda naughty

Elaine:  with Aidan you have to clean up after him  for example he'd steal sugar and eat it then pour it all over the house. With Skylar she puts on your make up and your expensive jewelry

The interview went on and on then we finally left. While Billie was driving home like that her phone beeped.

Billie: can you check it for me

Elaine: sure

I take the phone and open it with my fingerprint then read the message. Well the message was very vague it read

all is set I'll see you in the hotel, can't wait to see you


I read it for her and gave her the I wanna know more look, but she just ignored me

Elaine: who is this?

Billie: no one

Elaine: Billie I'm not playing

Billie: babe let it be

Elaine: are you cheating on me?

Billie: what the fuck?

Elaine: I asked you a question!

Billie: you'll wake the kids up

I turn to the back and see Skylar and Aidan sleeping

-ha ha ha a cliffhanger❤️

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