319: rebound

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Elaine's POV

Billie came everyday to check up on me and feed me for the past two weeks. She was the only person I allowed in my space and I'd say a few words to her. Today she was also coming over and she had promised to get me doughnuts. I had just finished freshening up so I went to my room to look at my scar in the mirror, I don't know why I do that but I always do, Billie walks in while I'm still staring. When she finds me naked she doesn't go out instead she comes to me.

Billie: mamas don't do that come

She walks me to my closet and helped me get dressed. Not for once did she give me weird looks or anything she just helped me out.

Billie: you're still beautiful

Elaine: (fake smile) thank you

Billie: come I brought your doughnuts as promised

We go to the bedroom and I sit in my bed and she sits next to me.

Billie: have you eaten?

Elaine: (shakes head)

Billie: but you promised, I'll get some food for you

She went out and she came back with soft food, she tries feeding me but I take the bowl and feed myself.

Billie: I made you a video of the kids, they miss you

Elaine: thank you

I ate while she showed me the video of my kids they were saying how much they miss me and stuff. Upon seeing the video Ibroke down, she hugged me.

Billie: I didn't mean to make you cry mamas I'm sorry

I just cried in her arms, I was so mad at myself for allowing myself to be treated that way. I was mad that I let Lisa dictate my life to the point whereby I haven't even seen my babies in months because I always had bruises. I never want my kids to see me at my lowest hence I never saw them. I only talked to them via the phone and it was never enough. I stayed in Billie's arms until I calmed down. I then looked at her and I just wanted to take the pain away so I kissed her. She kissed me back then she pulled away.

Billie: I can't take advantage of you like that, I don't wanna have sex with you because I'm a rebound. I only wanna make love to you because we're in love, I'm so sorry I can't.

She then left, I sat there thinking then I went downstairs to look for Billie.

Elaine: where's Billie?

It was the first time I spoke to mom and Isa so they look at me and smile.

Isa: she just went out

I try calling her but she doesn't answer, so I get in my car and drive. I knew I shouldn't be going where am going but I'm stuck on them. I drive until I get to Lisa's house, they open for me and I find Lisa in his study drinking whiskey.

Elaine: Lisa

He looks at me in disbelief and walks up to me and cup my face

Lisa: Fiori, how are you my love? I missed

He said that while kissing me, I kissed him back and he lifts me up and sat me on his desk. Then he started kissing my neck.

Lisa: I'm sorry Fiori, I love you

He kisses my neck then take off my t-shirt. He traces the scar on my abdomen that had not healed well.

Lisa: I'm sorry

I pull him to me and kiss him and tell him to kiss me in between the kiss. I wasn't wearing any bra so he massages my boobs and I let out a moan.

Lisa: I missed you

I don't respond but continue kissing him then a tear falls down my eye. He wipes it away and plant butterfly kisses on my jawline.

Lisa: I love you

He said as he was unbuttoning my jeans then we hear someone calling out my name from a distance. Lisa continues kissing me but I push him away. When I do he doesn't budge.

Elaine: Lisa stop

He doesn't stop instead he pulls down my jeans.

Elaine: Lisa stop

I say crying because of flashbacks of when he used to force himself on me like he's doing now resurfaced.

Elaine: Lisa please stop

Then the door opens up and Billie barges in

Billie: Lisa get away from her!

He slowly gets off me and I quickly wear my pants. She comes and get me off the desk give me back t-shirt then drags me out. She didn't bring her car so we get in my car and she drives. In the car I wear my t-shirt properly and she drives in silence. What puzzled me in all of this is that Lisa didn't try to fight Billie, because I know he doesn't mind beating women.


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