222: boogeyman**

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Elaine's POV

Billie has been cracking jokes for the past two hours and I've been laughing ever since, my stomach was hurting now.

Elaine: (laugh) baby stop I have a tummy ache

Billie: (laugh) it's nice to see you laugh again

Elaine: (smile)

Billie: I love you Cassandra

She did that on purpose she knew how much I didn't like my middle name.

Elaine: I love you too Pirate

Her wide smile vanished and I laughed at her. She let me laugh when I was done laughing she smashed her lips on mine. I kissed her back too, she deepened the kiss and I pulled away.

Elaine: you have to go sleep

Billie: you want me to leave you here?

Elaine: yeah go

Billie: no I'm not going anywhere

Elaine: baby please go, you look half dead

Billie: (sigh) I'll sleep with you then

Elaine: huh uh it's a patient's bed and you're not a patient

Billie: but it's big enough

Elaine: baby go I'll be fine, it's not like there's the boogeyman or something

Billie: (laugh) okay but I'll be here very early in the morning

Elaine: I love you

Billie: I love you too

She kiss my forehead then turn the lights off and walk out. I turn to lay on my tummy. A few hours later someone got in and caressed my body.

Elaine: baby you can't be serious, you came back because you wanna get it on

The person didn't respond but just squeezed my ass and slide their hands in between my thighs and played with my happy button.Their hands were cold and hard, that's when realised it's not Billie. I turned around to see who it was but it's was as if my turn was long awaited because immediately when I turned he put a clothe on my noise and mouth. After a few seconds he removed the clothe and I had lost absolutely control of my body and my mouth didn't move. He turned me around, he was wearing a hoodie and it was dark. He then made a phone call.

Man: yes boss I'm with her

Caller: give her the phone

He put the phone in my ear and when the caller spoke, I immediately knew how it was. It was Samuel.

Sam: baby, I missed you (chuckle) I hope you don't mind if my friend has a little fun with you. He won't be rough okay? (Chuckle) I can already imagine your pretty face.

While Samuel was busy talking like that his "friend" took off my gown and started kissing me all over my body. Tears were now streaming off my face, it's was like I was experiencing sleep paralysis because only my eyes could move. The man took off his hoodie and it was Adam the creepy guy I met in a restaurant with Zara.

Sam: I think you two have met before. He sure is good looking isn't he? Now let me leave you two to it. Don't have too much fun.

He dropped the call and Adam smirked at me.

Adam: shall we?

He then slid his fingers in me while kissing my neck. I could feel his erection against my thigh. He nibble on my neck. Then he takes off his pants and I feel his member in my inner thigh, he runs it against my pussy. I could feel it harden with every stroke, he then got off me to fully take off his pants then he spread my legs wideand slowly slid all of his member in. At this point my tears would fill the Kalahari desert but you know what the saddest part is? It's that I don't have control over my body, it was as if it's lifeless which is partly is at this point. When Samuel violated me he took a chip of me with him but this time around it wasn't a chip it was a huge chunk of me that died.

When he was done doing what he was doing he left me, I stayed there with my lifeless body for about an hour or two after he left then my senses came back to me.


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