207: serious this matter is

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Elaine's POV

We go to our room and I untie my hair and take off my shorts so I can go freshen up. Billie was busy searching for a song on her phone then Earned It by The Weeknd came on. I was busy complaining about how Manu will be the death of me. She sits on the bed and look at me, then pulls me on top of her.

Billie: ssshhh

Elaine: babe were you even listening to me?

Billie: calm down

Elaine: (sigh) Emanuel always does this

I guess I was talking too much because Billie slides in her hands under my t-shirt and holds my waist, I arch because of the coldness of her metal rings. I get her hands out of my t-shirt.

Elaine: don't you see how serious this matter is?

She just looks at me as if she didn't hear anything I said. I get off her and take off my t-shirt and bra.

Elaine: aren't you hungry?

Billie: for you I am

Elaine: okay you're not hungry

I walk to the bathroom and get in a bathtub and soak, and put on a blindfold.

Billie: so you don't wanna give me?

I remove the blindfold and see her sitting on top of the toilet seat. I soak for sometime and she doesn't move, Billie is a psycho at times I tell you. When the water was getting cold I get out of the tub and walk to get a towel with water dripping off me. Billie walks up to me and pins me against the shower glass and start kissing my neck and I tilt my head, them her hands roam my body. She then slides in her fingers in me and play with my happy button and I moaned her name. She does that with me still pinned against the glass and her behind me licking my earlobes. When I was wet she turns me around and kiss me, then I wrap my legs around her torso. She grabs the strap on our way to the bed, when we get to the bed she gently lays me down and kiss me. We kiss while she slide in her fingers in me and slowly thrusted me. She then put both of my legs on her shoulders and thrusted me, after thrusting me she gave me head. She then slid her fingers back in while giving me head then after sometime I cum. She had my juices all over her, in her hands, face and neck. She then got on top of me and kissed me, I kissed her back then licked her face clean.

Billie: baby

Elaine: Uhm?

Billie: I want to do anal

I just keep quiet and look at her and she does the same, I think for some seconds then I break the silence.

Elaine: you promise to be gentle?

Billie: I promise

Elaine: you'll stop if I tell you too right?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: okay

She then kiss me while putting on the strap, after she was done putting the strap on she slide it in me.

Elaine: ohhhhh my goodness

Billie: are you fine?

Elaine: y-yeah

She pounds me again and again and again.

Elaine: I'm about to cum

Billie: cum in my mouth

She goes down on me then opens my folds and licks them and I instantly just cum in her mouth, she mouths the cum then turns me around then spit my cum on my anus, to use it as a lubricant. She then hit it from the back to coat the strap in my cum, when she was satisfied she pulled out then gently penetrated my anus. I groan from the discomfort

Billie: are you okay?

Elaine: yeah

She then holds my waist then slowly thrusts me, it actually wasn't as bad as the first time. It felt foreign but it had some sense of pleasure to it. When she was done she pulled out and I collapsed on the bed because my knees were weak for some reason. She goes to the bathroom then comes back with a towel and wipes me. Then she spoons me.

Billie: are you okay?

Elaine: I'm okay

She kisses my neck and shoulder

Billie: aren't you sore?

Elaine: a little

Billie: sorry mamas

Elaine: it's alright

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too

I get very tired when Billie and I make love, because she likes to experiment with me. Not that I'm complaining but the things she does to my body are super tiring.


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