256: please don't

129 2 0

Elaine's POV

I didn't expect Billie to come through for me like this, not after how I've broken her. She explained to our parents and we convinced them, they were so heart broken but there was nothing they could do. Our parents left, yes my mom also left after the meeting because she couldn't stand being here. Billie was still sitting next to me so I turn to look at her.

Elaine: thank you for having my back

Billie: it's okay

Elaine: I'm sorry for breaking your heart

Billie: sure

She got up to leave but I held her arm and she looked at me.

Elaine: can we please talk

She sits back down and stares at me

Elaine: can we please be civil towards each other for the sake of the kids, I know I've been avoiding you because what you did to me but I realised I can't live with myself knowing that you and I aren't in good terms because that will affect our relationship with the kids. I still want you to have a good relationship with them, because I know they mean the world to you as they do to me. I'm not gonna take the kids away from you hence I want us to co parent. They can live with me then visit you on weekends and on school holidays, what do you say?

She tucks my hair behind my ear and kiss me, I kiss her back. We make out on the sofa then she pulls back.

Billie: do me a favour?

Elaine: (breathless) yeah?

Billie: let me kiss you whenever I want until the divorce is finalized

Elaine: Billie I...

She kisses me again and I kiss her back. She then pulls away again.

Billie: please let me

Elaine: (nods)

Billie: I love you Elaine

I keep quiet and we kiss again for sometime then she gets off me and walks away. I also go upstairs to rinse my face since they kids are gonna come back any minute from now.

I then went downstairs and started making dinner. I hear a car hooting outside signalling that the kids are back. I go outside and the kids come out running to hug me. Their transporter drives away.

Skylar: mommie

Aidan: mommie!

I just lighten up when I see my kids, they're a ray of sunshine.

Elaine: (smile) babies mommie missed you

Skylar: Aidan got a star in dance class

Elaine: really? I'm so proud of you

I picked him up and kissed him. We then got inside.

Elaine: go put your things away, greet your mom then come I'll make you some food

Aidan gets out of my hold then they run upstairs

Elaine: be careful you two

I then go on to make them some snacks while I prepare dinner. Then they come back and they sit on the dinning table and I give them some snacks.

Elaine: do you have any homework?

Skylar: yes, I have a music homework

Elaine: Aidan?

He shakes his head

Elaine: I don't trust you, after you're done go get me your bag I'll check myself. Skylar you'll have to ask mom to help you I know nothing about music

Skylar: okay

Billie: ask me what?

Elaine: to help her with her music homework

Billie: oh okay, can I help you?

Elaine: no I'm fine

Billie: okay

I continue cooking while she sits with the kids and we all talk.

Billie: Elaine I think we should tell them, the procedure starts in the next two days and I don't want them to find out from the paps.

Elaine: okay we can tell them

Billie: Skylar and Aidan you know that mommie and I love you right?

They nod

Billie: I love you you and your mommie more than anything in this world. I'd do anything for you guys but sometimes things just don't go the way they're supposed to be. Like things between mommie and I. Mommie and I are getting a divorce

Skylar looks at me and Billie in disbelief and I see her eyes being filled with tears.

Aidan: what is a divorce?

Skylar: when two married people don't love each other anymore and separate

Billie and I look at Skylar in shock, where does she even know what a divorce is she's only six.

Aidan: mom you don't love mommie anymore?

Elaine: no baby mom and I love each other but we can't be together anymore because of circumstances

Skylar: circumstances?

Billie: things adults go through

Skylar: (teary) so we're never gonna see one of you again?

Elaine: what? Where did you get that?

Skylar: my friends told me that divorced people hate each other and never allow their kids to see one of them

Whoa so Skylar and her friends talk about divorce at such a young age? Wow Skylar is just something else.

Billie: that's not true you're still gonna see both of us, you just won't live with both of us

Aidan started crying so Billie took him and shushed him, Skylar cried to.

Skylar: mommie please don't divorce mom

I just held her for a big hug and wiped her tears away.

Elaine: baby don't cry we still love you

Skylar: but you're divorcing mommie

Elaine: Skylar don't cry

Billie and I shush the kids until they sleep.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now