284: don't act like it

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Elaine's POV

I hardly slept last night because Lisa kept me busy the whole night. When I woke up he was in his study doing goodness knows what but he sounded really mad at whoever he was talking to. I wake up and go freshen up after freshening up I wrap a towel around my body. The towels in the shelf were now half full so I decide to refill them. I opened the cabinets and pulled them out, when I did I noticed that I had pulled out something heavy and metallic so I put the towels down and then I realise I had a real life gun in my hand. I'm such a coward that when I tried to put it down I accidentally pulled the trigger because I was shaking from fear. After I accidentally fired the shot I screamed. Lisa came in running.

Lisa: Fiori are you okay?

I nodded

Lisa: come here

I went in and hugged him. I then pulled away.

Lisa: you didn't get hurt?

Elaine: no

Lisa: okay come here

I went to hug him again then a group of ten men barged in. They were all dressed in black and they were armed. It was like Lisa was some important person of some sort. He spoke to them in Italian then they left. He took his gun and tucked it in the back of his pants then he walked me to the bedroom.

Lisa: are you okay?

Elaine: (nod) Lisa

Lisa: yes baby?

Elaine: why do you have a gun?

Lisa: it's for protection, my job requires me to have one.

Elaine: what about the men who barged in here armed?

Lisa: they're my security

Elaine: what's the name of the security company?

He kept quiet

Elaine: Lisa you're lying to me

Lisa: it's complicated

Elaine: uncomplicate it then

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: Lisa what's going on here?

Lisa: I can't tell you that

Elaine: what? you don't trust me?

Lisa: no it's not that

Elaine: what is it then?

Lisa: (sigh) baby it's not that easy

I looked at him, he tried to pull me in for a kiss but I moved back.

Elaine: I'm leaving

Lisa: where are you going?

Elaine: where I'm trusted

Lisa: baby come on

Elaine: no Lisa I'm leaving if you can't tell me what's going on

I got up and went to go get dressed in the closet. I then got out and headed for the door. He pulled me to him and pinned me against the wall.

Elaine: Lisa let go of me

Lisa: can we talk about this

Elaine: I thought it's complicated

Lisa: it is

Elaine: let me go then

Lisa: baby come on

Elaine: I'm warning you

He picked me up and started to kiss my neck but I punched his shoulder a several times.

Elaine: stop kissing me and put me down

He puts me down and I look at him

Lisa: you look pretty when you're mad

Elaine: so I'm just a pretty little thing to you?

Yeah I'm younger than him by four years

Lisa: baby come on I never said that, you know I love you

Elaine: I don't know anything

Lisa: I love you

Elaine: you sure don't act like it

Lisa: what should I do then?

Elaine: tell me

Lisa: baby I can't

Elaine: okay bye Lisandrade

Lisa: Elaine come on

I pushed him away and left, I got in my car and drove home. What is it that he's hiding from me? I think I know what it is but I still wanted him to say it to my face.


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