278: mine alone

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Elaine's POV

On a Monday afternoon Billie just brought back the kids a little early because she had a show later that evening. I was sitting with Skylar on the couch while Aidan was sitted on the rug playing with Tinker. I had called Lisa over to have some pizza, I wanted to familiarise him to the kids. He then came with two pizza's with different toppings.

Elaine: you know everyone would have gotten even if you only brought one

Lisa: it's fine

Elaine: okay come

We sit in the living room and we eat pizza while watching TV. After eating Lisa and I cuddle on the couch while the kids went to play upstairs in the PJ lounge.

Elaine: so how was your day?

Lisa: it was a good day, how was yours and the kids?

I didn't go to work today because it was my day off.

Elaine: it was alright, just missing my people

Lisa: your people?

Elaine: yeah you and the kids

Lisa: (smile) so I'm yours?

Elaine: (smile) yes or don't you wanna be mine and mine alone?

Lisa: you know I'm yours

Elaine: good cause I don't like sharing

Lisa: (chuckle) oh yeah?

Elaine: yeah I don't like sharing

Lisa: let me see how

Elaine: (giggle) no there are kids around

Lisa: okay, but next time you come over I wanna fuck you senseless

Elaine: (giggle) what did I do now?

Lisa: nothing I just wanna make you feel good

I just smile at him and put my head on him and he kiss my head.

Lisa: I love you Elaine

Elaine: (quiet)

Lisa: what's wrong?

Elaine: you love me already?

Lisa: yeah I love you

Elaine: Lisa aren't we going too fast?

Lisa: baby it's okay there's no pressure for you to say it just as long as you're not playing me

Elaine: thank you, I'd never play you. I like you very much

Lisa: (smile) I know you wouldn't do that

Elaine: (smile) so are you sleeping over?

Lisa: (chuckle) nice try

Elaine: oh come on

Lisa: I told you, I wanna be the one who takes care of you

Elaine: but I can take care of my self

Lisa: you don't need to when I'm around

I smile and kiss him then he tries to get on top of me but I stop him.

Elaine: I have to go bathe Aidan and then tuck them in bed

Lisa: (sigh) okay

Elaine: don't be frustrated I'll be back before you know it

Lisa: it's okay I'll make a few phone calls.

Elaine: okay I'm coming

I go upstairs and go bathe Aidan and Skylar bathes herself. After that I tuck them in bed then go back to the lounge and I find Lisa still on his phone talking in Italian. He ends the call when he sees me then grabs my waist and nibble on my neck.

Lisa: I'm sorry baby I have to go now

Elaine: is something wrong,? What happened?

Lisa: no Fiori, you don't have to worry about it

Elaine: okay please be safe

Lisa: (smile) safe is my middle name

Elaine: okay, have a goodnight then

Lisa: give me a kiss

I smile at him and we kiss, then he pulls away. I didn't want him to leave so soon.

Lisa: I have to go Fiori, I swear I'll make it up to you

Elaine: okay, call me

Lisa: I will Fiori

Elaine: bye

He leaves then I also go freshen up and go to bed.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now