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Elaine's POV

I was so mad how could a full grown adult hit a child. One things about  me is that I'm over protective of my kids, so when Skylar told what happened I felt like killing someone. Well I wasn't the only one mad, in fact Billie was fuming. She used to be mad at me when the kids cried at my account so I'm only wondering how she feels knowing that someone laid their hands on her princess. Mind you Billie and I have never hit our kids, ever.

Elaine: you better do something

Billie: okay calm down

Elaine: don't tell me to freakin' calm down Billie, your girlfriend hit my baby

Billie: I'll do something about it okay?

Elaine: okay or I'm laying charges against her

She came closer to me and tried to hold me

Elaine: don't touch me

Billie: mamas keep it down you're gonna wake the kids up

Elaine: I don't care I want this sorted or you'll never see them again I swear I'll make sure of that. Don't push me

Billie: what? You can't do that I said I'll sort it out

Elaine: Billie get out

Billie: Elaine...

Elaine: get out!

She then left, I went to my room where they were sleeping today. I sat there and watched them sleep.  While I was watching them like that I got a call from Lisa.

Elaine: baby

Lisa: hey gorgeous

Elaine: hey how are you?

Lisa: I'm good, what's up you don't sound too well

Elaine: (sigh) Billie's girlfriend slapped Skylar, can your believe her? How do you raise your hand to an eight year old

Lisa: what? Is Skylar alright?

Elaine: yeah she's sleeping right now

Lisa: I'm coming you don't sound fine

Elaine: no baby it's okay I'll be fine

Lisa: it's final I'm coming I'll call you to open the gate when I get there okay?

Elaine: baby...

Lisa: don't fight me on this

Elaine: okay I'll open

He then dropped the call. I sat there and watched my angels sleep. I love the love they have for each other, it's like they can feel each other's pain. They kind of remind me of the bond Billie and Fin share.

My phone rang and I answer it Lisa tells me to open the gate he is here. I didn't expect him to get here so fast, I won't be surprised if he got a ticket. I opened the gate and went outside. He got out of the car and opened his arms for a hug which I got in and he held me tight. He then kissed my forehead.

Lisa: are you okay?

Elaine: (nod)

Lisa: come let's get in the car it's a chilly out here

We got in the backseat of his car. He then pulled out a box underneath the driver's seat.

Lisa: I got you doughnuts

Elaine: (smile) thank you

Lisa: so what happened?

I went on to tell him the story.

Lisa: are you going to open a case against her?

Elaine: Billie said she'll sort it out

Lisa: you trust her don't you?

Elaine: yeah

I see him getting uncomfortable when I say that.

Elaine: I don't mean it like that, I mean I trust her to make the right decision for the sake of the kids

Lisa: (smile) I know what you mean

Elaine: I only have you in my eyes baby, I like nobody but you

I went in and kissed him. He kissed me back then he pushed me down and took off my pants along with my undergarment. He then started fingering me. He fingers me until I cum.

Elaine: baby

Lisa: yes Fiori

Elaine: what does that mean?

Lisa: flower

Elaine: (smile) why didn't you, y'know?

Lisa: what?

Elaine: use your you know?

Lisa: (chuckle) why didn't I use my dick?

Elaine: (nod)

Lisa: I don't have protection

Elaine: do you want me to give you?

Lisa: no baby I'm respecting your wish we'll only hit raw after we're tested

Elaine: no I'm saying I want to also satisfy you, with my mouth

Lisa: you wanna give me head?

Elaine: (nod)

Lisa: do you know how?

Elaine: I'll try

Lisa: (chuckle) okay, just don't bite me

Elaine: okay

I then went down and took off his sweaters and give him head.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now