304: good or bad?

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Elaine's POV

When we get to the venue Lisa decides to stay behind because he says he wanted to give me some alone time with my kids, we both know that he's mad but it's okay. I walk in and my babies run to me, they looked so happy here. I get in and see Billie and Fin, Billie looked so beautiful it's like she just stepped out of a magazine. We stare at each other for a minute and Fin coughs.

Elaine: oh hi

Fin: hey how are you?

Elaine: I'm good you?

We hug.

Fin: I'm good too

Billie: hey

Elaine: hey how are you?

Billie: I'm good you?

Elaine: I'm good

We get stuck where we were standing because we're not sure if we should hug or not, so we just don't. Aidan pulls me to sit down and I pick him up.

Elaine: (smile) hey, mommie missed you

Aidan: I miss mommie too

Elaine: really? Aren't you having fun with mom?

He shakes his head

Elaine: you aren't?

He just laughs

Elaine: you wanna go home with me?

He looks at Billie then hide in my shoulder so I just laugh.

Elaine: Sadie you also wanna go home?

Skylar: no

She clings onto Billie, I just laugh

Elaine: you enjoy being with mom?

Skylar: (nods) mhm

Elaine: it's okay you'll come back when schools open

Skylar: yay

Aidan: mommie, mom took us to play and brought us ice cream

Elaine: she did?

Aidan: (nod)

Skylar: she also took us on stage with her

Elaine: really?

Skylar: yes

Aidan: we jumped on stage like this

He got off me and they started jumping around. Fin and Billie left and the kids went on to tell me about all the good times they had during tour so far. After sometime it was their bedtime so I went to tuck them in.

Elaine: mommie loves you okay kiddos?

Skylar: we love mommie too

Aidan: I love you mommie

He comes and clings on me.

Elaine: mommie has to go now

Aidan: I wanna go with you

Elaine: you don't wanna stay with mom?

Aidan: I want to go with you

Elaine: okay, sleep so we can go

I read them a bedtime story and when they slept I left the trailer. I bumped into Billie outside.

Elaine: hey

Billie: hi mamas

Elaine: I wanted to thank you, they're so happy with you

Billie: (smile) I'm glad they're happy, I see you're wearing the t-shirt they made

Elaine: yeah I love it, but it also got me in trouble with Lisa because it has your name on it (giggle)

Billie: I'm sorry it wasn't our intentions to come between the two of you

Elaine: (smile) it's okay, Lisa is gonna be fine

Billie: (smile) you look beautiful

Elaine: thank you, you're not bad too

Billie: (smile)

Elaine: it was nice seeing you,I should go now

Billie: it was nice seeing you too

I then walked away I then stopped midway

Elaine: Billie

Billie: yeah?

Elaine: we need to talk as soon as tour is over

Billie: okay it is good or bad?

Elaine: uhm it depends on which perspective you see it from

Billie: oh, okay

Elaine: bye good night

Billie: bye mamas

I then went back to the limo, where I found Mr grumpy pants on his phone. I just sit opposite him and go through my DMs. We got to the jet and I just inclined my seat then took a blanket then slept. I wasn't about to let Lisa ruin my evening for me not after I had such a blast with my kids.


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