213: last night's show

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Elaine's POV

Well today I was going to the hospital just to check on how things are going, since Brian decided to give himself a leave. If it were someone else I'd have given them a warning but I'm the reason for all of this so I'll let him be. When I woke up Billie had already left, I guess we're not completely fine. I was gonna drop Skylar in kindergarten and leave Aidan with Hannah. I pack everything for Skylar then we go. I drop Skylar in school then go to the hospital, when I get there my assistant gives me coffee then I go to my office. When I get there I see a bouquet of daises and I smile, it had a card attached to it. I take the card and it read "thank you for last night's show" I blush to myself and take out my phone and call Billie, she doesn't answer the phone so I assume she's busy. I check on a few patients then go back home.

When I get to the gate Zara's car goes out, I try waving at her but she just closes her window. My heart sink, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen, is to loose Zara. I get in the house and find Emanuel only in his shorts drinking water, from the way things are it seems they were pretty busy

Elaine: hey

Manu: hey sis

Elaine: hey how are you?

Manu: I'm good

Elaine: Manu can I please talk to you

Manu: yeah sure

We both sit down

Elaine: about you and Zara

His facial expression changes

Elaine: I'm not here to judge

Manu: okay

Elaine: Manu I just don't get why you always do this, Zara is my best friend but it seems like I lost her. Manu please don't go breaking her heart, Zara is very important to me

I then got off the chair and walked upstairs

Manu: Elaine I love Zara

Ever since I was born I've never heard Manu say he loves a girl, well except me and Isa. I slowly turn around and look at him.

Elaine: you do?

Manu: yes at first it was just a fling but I think I'm falling for her

Elaine: really?

Manu: yeah, how did you know you loved Billie?

Elaine: (smile) I don't know but I just knew, it came natural I guess

Manu: I see, and by the way I like her for you

Elaine: thank you

Manu: but she better not do anything stupid or I'll break her bones

Elaine: (giggle) she won't Billie and I love each other

Manu: just saying

Elaine: wanna help me with dinner?

Manu: yeah sure

Elaine: okay let me go change

I go change and he helps me make dinner, while we were making dinner Billie comes back with Skylar. She was eating ice cream, so when Aidan saw Skylar eating ice cream he ran to her and grabbed it out of the cone. Now Skylar was only left with the cone and all of her ice cream was in Aidan's hands and he was eating it. Billie, Manu and I looked at each other, we all wanted to laugh but we held ourselves. Then Skylar started crying when she cried like that Aidan put back the ice cream in the cone and cried too. Billie quickly grabbed Skylar and I grabbed Aidan.

Billie: don't cry princess he's just a baby

She shushed Skylar, and I was trying to shush Aidan.

Elaine: ssshhh mommie will get you ice cream

I walked to the kitchen and took out ice cream from the fridge and scooped it out to two bowls. Then gave it to them and they stopped crying, we put then down then thet walked to living room and watched cartoons together. Billie didn't miss the opportunity to take a picture of them because they were holding hand, she then came and kissed my cheek.

Billie: evening

Elaine: hey babe

Manu: evening

Elaine: I was about to dish up

Billie: good I'm starving

Manu: (chuckle)

I dish up for everyone then we all eat, after dinner I tuck the kids in bed. Billie and I go to our bedroom and I change into PJs.

Elaine: thank you for the flowers

Billie: flowers? what flowers?

Elaine: the ones you left in my office

Billie: I don't know what you're talking about

Elaine: but they said thanks for last night

Billie: I don't know what you are talking about

Elaine: what? but I was with you the whole night last night

Billie: maybe it was a mistake

Elaine: you think?

Billie: yeah come sleep


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