226: I want this

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Billie's POV

For the past few days Elaine and I have been living in the sheets. I hardly got out of the house because I wanted to keep an eye on her, she made me promise not to tell anyone. As aways I had to honour her wishes even when she refused to go to therapy. She was better now, she was even smiling and laughing like nothing ever happened. I didn't like what was going on but I couldn't force her so I just support her. Only her and I knew what happened, even her mother doesn't know and she still wants to know why she wanted to take her life.

It was now in the evening, I was writing a song and she was playing with the kids.

Elaine: (laugh) Skylar you're cheating

Skylar: no mommie I'm not, I didn't see your card

Elaine: (laugh) you're so naughty, look Aidan is winning

Aidan laughs when she kisses him

Skylar: (sulk) no fair you're playing for him

Elaine: no I'm not he's winning on his own

Skylar sulked, Elaine pulled her to her and tickled her.

Skylar: (laugh uncontrollably) mommie stop! mommie stop!

She stops and kiss her cheek

Elaine: mommie loves you okay?

Skylar came to me.

Skylar: mom come play with us

Billie: I'm coming I'm still looking at something here

Elaine: baby come down disturb mom she's working

Billie: give me my ukelele

Skykar took it and gave it to me, I then picked her up and I went to where Elaine and Aidan were seated and sat down too.

Skylar: (excited) are you gonna sing?

Billie: yes for mommie

Elaine: (blush)

Billie: well it's not my song but I'll do my take on it:

When I think of my lover
No one compares to her
A love like no other
She puts everyone else first
And when we were younger
I treated her the worst
Never known someone stronger
Cause damn it must've hurt

I'm never there to spend time with you
But if I do I know what I should do
I should tell you I love you a million times
Say that I'm sorry if I made you cry
Can never be half the women even if I tried
But I'll try, I swear I'll try
If I have put it into words
I think of a angel and all I see her

When I was done singing Skylar clapped her little hands and Aidan clapped too, mainly because he saw Skylar clapping. I looked at Elaine and she was crying I smiled at her then wiped her tears away.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too

Skylar hugged her

Skylar: don't cry mommie, mom you made mommie cry

Billie: sorry baby it wasn't my intention

Elaine: I'm not crying, I'm just happy

Skylar: you cry when you're happy?

She nods while wiping her tears away.

Elaine: come kids it's past your bedtime now

Billie: I'll tuck them in

Skylar: goodnight mommie

I went to tuck the kids in, when I came back Elaine was in the shower. I didn't trust her with the bathroom no more, I barged in and she turned to me and smiled at me.

Billie: oh, sorry

Elaine: it's okay get in

I got in and sat on the toilet seat

Elaine: would you mind washing my back?

Billie: not at all

I took off my clothes and got in and washed her back. She then turned around and kissed me. I kissed her back and she deepened the kiss. I kissed her for sometime then I pulled away, she looks at me confused.

Elaine: is there something wrong?

Billie: no I just don't want to make you do something you're uncomfortable with

Elaine: what are you talking about? I want this

Billie: are you sure?

Elaine: yeah


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