216: ER

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Elaine's POV

Emanuel quickly ran upstairs and Billie came to me. She touched me and I begged her not to. It's like I was split in two, I was aware of her presence but I was still scared it could be Samuel.

Billie: baby it's me

She cupped my face and I was still hyperventilating

Billie: calm down, breathe in out and out

I tried but it wasn't working, so she started singing and I got lost in my world. She was singing Ocean Eyes, I calmed down a bit and she took the big glass shards out of my hands and took me to the car. She sat in the back seat with me while Emanuel drove us to the hospital. When we got there they put me on a stretcher, the last thing I remember is a nurse connecting me to a drip then I blacked out.

Billie's POV

When I got Emanuel's call I panicked, whatever she saw must've really startled her. When I got home we quickly took her to the hospital and they sedated her because her heartbeat was irregular. They took her to the emergency room and we sat outside her room. Fin, Claudia and Zara quickly came.

Fin: what happened?

Emanuel: it's my fault I shouldn't have spoke to Samuel

Billie: yes it's your fault my wife is here

I was so furious, just when Elaine had forgotten about it he just had to remind her so I punched him. Finneas pulled me.

Claudia: Billie calm down

Billie: how am I supposed to calm down when my wife is in the ER?

Emanuel: I'm sorry

Zara went to him and helped him up

Billie: I don't need this

I went to take a walk to clear my head but instead of my head clearing all bad things came rushing my mind. When they took her in they said her heartbeat was irregular and if they don't do anything we might loose her. I sat on the bench outside and let my emotions take me. After a while I got a call from Fin.

Fin: where are you? The doctor is here

Billie: I'm coming

I quickly ran inside and found the door already walking away.

Billie: what did she say?

Fin: she's fine, but they had to sedate her so she could sleep

Billie: can't I see her?

Claudia: the doctors said we can't

Billie: I want to see her

Zara: Billie you can't

Billie: she's my wife

Zara: she's also my best friend

I ran my hands through my hair and sat down. I sat there and Fin gave me coffee. After giving me coffee my phone rang, it was my mom.

Billie: mom

Maggie: how is she?

Billie: she's okay but we can't see her

Maggie: what happened?

Billie: I'll tell you some other time, how are my kids?

Maggie: Aidan was crying but I just tucked them in bed.

Billie: okay thank you mom

Maggie: how are you holding up sweetie?

Billie: I'll be fine

Maggie: I'm sorry sweetie

Billie: (silence)

Maggie: goodnight

Billie: goodnight mom

I dropped the call and decided to call her mom to let her know what happened.

Sandra: what? How is my she now?

Billie: the doctors said she'll be fine

Sandra: my poor baby, I'll be there the first thing in the morning

I had no energy to argue with her so I let her be

Billie: okay

Sandra: how are you holding up there?

Billie: I'll be fine

Sandra: where are my grandkids?

Billie: they're at mom's

Sandra: okay

Billie: bye

-hey guys I hope y'all are well❤️. Just wanted to let y'all know that I'll be updating less because schools have opened so yeah😊 I'll try to update whenever I can it it won't be as frequent as I used to do.

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now