295: cost your life

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Elaine's POV

I wake up in the morning and Lisa was not in bed anymore. I decide to make the bed then go freshen up. After freshening up I wear one of Lisa's hoodies and go to the the study where he was. When I get there he was on the phone so I sat on top of him with my legs on either sides of his torso then hug him. After he was done talking on the phone he put his hands on my butt.

Lisa: morning Fiori

Elaine: morning baby, how are you?

Lisa: I'm good you?

Elaine: I'm good too

He takes his laptop then starts typing.

Elaine: am I bothering you?

Lisa: no I want you right next to me

I lay my head on his shoulder while he works. After sometime he closes the laptop then holds me and make me look at him. I just blush at him.

Elaine: why you looking at me like that?

Lisa: I wanna marry you

Elaine: (giggle)

Lisa: I'm serious, that's why I want you to meet my parents before you start showing

Elaine: when?

Lisa: today

Elaine: what?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: baby I'm not mentally prepared what if they don't like me?

Lisa: they're gonna like you

Elaine: baby what if I mess up?

Lisa: you won't, baby relax just be yourself you'll be fine

Elaine: oh my goodness Lisa I think I'm sick

Lisa: don't let fear paralyse you

Elaine: but baby...

He cupped my face then kiss me. I kiss him back he then puts me on the table. We don't break our kiss, he then takes off my undies. After he took them off he teased my entrance with his finger. I let out a heavy breathe then arch he then pushed everything on the table down including his laptop. I looked at him but he just positioned me on the table. He then lifts the shirt I was wearing then  massaged my boobs. Lisa is kinda obsessed with my boobs. I let out a moan then he holds my neck with one hand and fingers me with the other. I let out a moan and he kiss my belly. He then pulls out and slide in his member. He then thrusts me while holding my neck.

After we were done he wiped me up then kissed my forehead. He then sat down on the chair and looked at me. I was still recovering from all the morning glory I just got.

Lisa: ready to meet your in laws?

Elaine: I guess

Lisa: go get ready we're leaving in three hours

Elaine: how am I supposed to walk? My legs are jelly

Lisa: (chuckle) let me help you

He lifted me up and helped me to the bathroom. When we got there he just decided to freshen up with me. When we were still showering he got a call. He went to answer it. After a sometime I got out with a towel wrapped around me and I found him loading his gun. I stood there and watched him he then came and kissed my cheek.

Lisa: I have to go I'll see you later

Elaine: aren't we going to your parents anymore?

Lisa: we'll go tomorrow

Elaine: okay be safe (kiss him) I love you

Lisa: I love you too Fiori

He then left, I just dressed comfortably. To keep my mind of things I read a novel, got bored so I cooked for everyone after cooking for them I gave them a day off. Ever since I've been here none of them has had a day off so I gave them myself. After giving them the day off. I got bored again so I put music on and started dancing. I didn't even hear Lisa come in, he roughly grips my hand and he looked mad. I took off the headsets I had on.

Elaine: what's wrong?

He shouts at me

Lisa: why did you give everyone a day off?

He yanks me towards him with my arm that he had in his grip

Elaine: you're hurting me

Lisa: do you know how worried I was? Anything could've happened without security

Elaine: I didn't know

Lisa: next time fucken ask!

Elaine: well sorry then for trying to be nice

Lisa: your trying to be nice almost costed you your life

He then lefts go of me and I favour where he was holding me. Tears fall down my face, pregnancy is really playing games with me

Elaine: I hate you, in fact I wanna go

Lisa: where?

I just look at him and put on my shoes. He holds me and I hit him.

Elaine: let go

He cupped my face and apologised.

Lisa: I shouldn't have shouted at you, I was just worried about you

Elaine: (cry) but you don't have to be so mean

Lisa: I'm sorry Fiori


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