273: sleep on the couch

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Elaine's POV

I was now so pissed at Lisa because it was now evening and I've been here. Well the treatment was good and I would've enjoyed everything more if I had company him or Zara or Claudia. I sat there while I was being served like a queen of some sort. After what felt like a million years he came to fetch me. We got in the limo and his chauffer drove us.

Lisa: I'm sorry, my meeting took longer than expected

I was fuming so I kept quiet

Lisa: please talk to me

Elaine: I wanna go home

Lisa: we're going there

Elaine: I mean my house

I then knocked on the screen separating the driver and passengers. The window opened

Elaine: take me home

Lisa: Carlos don't you dare

Elaine: Carlos take me home

Lisa: baby I'm sorry

Elaine: (clicks tongue)

We sit there in silence until we got to his house.

Lisa: baby come out

Elaine: I wanna go home

Lisa: (sigh) can you please just come

Elaine: I don't want to

Lisa: Elaine can you please just listen

I got out of the limo and headed inside. He was walking behind me trying to talk to me. I got in the house and tried to slam the door but he stopped it and got in.

Lisa: listen to me

Elaine: or what? You're gonna fuck me until I can't walk?

Lisa: be careful what you wish for

We then heard a laughter from the kitchen. We turned to look and it was someone who kinda looked like Lisa. He was carrying a glass with whiskey inside.

Man: long time no see brother

Lisa: brother how are you?

Man: I'm good

The man walked up to me and took my hand and kissed it.

Man: who's the beautiful lady

Lisa: get your paws off my girlfriend

Man: (chuckle) I like her for you she has fire

Lisa: baby go wait for me upstairs

I wanted to refuse but he gave me that look so I went upstairs

Lisa: I'll be there right now

When I got upstairs I was so mad at him. Lisa told me that he'll only be in a meeting for an hour then we cuddle the whole day then maybe do some things.  I sat on the bed, stood up , walked in circles. I was so mad I didn't know what to do with myself.

After about half an hour Lisa came in and went to take a shower. I laughed to myself, so he's not going to apologize? I was now very pissed, I started pacing. After some time he came out with a towel wrapped around him and a chest binder at the top. I looked at him and he looked pissed. This guy must be crazy because he's the one who made me spend the whole day alone now he's mad I gave him a piece of my mind.

Lisa: (calmly) I don't like how you talk to me?

Elaine: how do I talk to you?

Lisa: why are you raising your voice?

Elaine: because I'm mad no in fact I'm pissed, I spent the whole day alone Lisa! Alone!

Lisa: (sigh) I told you I was going to a meeting

Elaine: well you left the whole day part out then

Lisa: I'm sorry

Elaine: I don't want your sorry I wanna sleep

Lisa: Fiori...

Elaine: you'll sleep on the couch


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now