560: doesn't deserve this

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Elaine's POV

Today I went to work and Lisa came back again. I'm starting to think I have a thing for psychos I tell you. Today she was a bit polite and she actually apologized. She told me she's a lawyer so most of the time she has to be rude. I kinda enjoy her company she's very cool. Today the kids were coming back as tomorrow it was school.

I was sitting waiting for Billie to bring them back as it was around the time she normally brings them back. I heard the door open and Skylar came in running followed by Aidan.

Skylar: mom I won

Aidan: you cheated

Billie: come guys mommie is waiting for you and it's almost your bedtime.

They all got in and Aidan ran to me.

Elaine: hey how are you?

Aidan: Skylar cheated

Skylar: you're just a sore loser

I whisper in his ear

Elaine: it's okay let her be, you'll sleep with me tonight okay?

He smiles, Aidan is a momma's boy he loves me so much.

Elaine: Hannah is waiting for you upstairs to help you bath

Skylar: (frown) but mommie

Elaine: Skylar let's not argue over this

Skylar: (sigh)

Elaine: go now

She goes up, Aidan was long gone. Normally when Billie brings them she tucks them in then go. So she is waiting for them to finishing bathing so she can tuck them in. Billie and I are very good at this co parenting thing but things still got awkward when we were left alone in the room. I'd catch her staring at me and vice versa, I guess we can't deny the chemistry between us. I hate it when things are awkward between us, no it's not awkward because we hate each other or something like that but it's because we don't know how to be anything but be lovers and that ship sailed longed ago.

Elaine: Uhm I saw your show, it was great

Billie: thank you

Elaine: yeah

Billie: Uhm... Elaine?

Elaine: yeah?

Billie: thank you for allowing me to be a part of my kids life

Elaine: (smile) it's okay, plus it would be selfish for me to do that

Elaine: how are your parents?

Billie: they're okay, they just not really fond of Laura

Elaine: why? she seems like a nice person

Billie: (chuckle) I don't know

I walk closer to her and hold her hands.

Elaine: just give them time

Billie: yeah

She breaks my hold and hold my waist. I let her, then she pulls me in between her legs and kiss me. I kiss her back then her hands start roaming my body and I started unbuttoning her shirt. She grabbed my ass and kissed my neck. I let out a moan, and my moan brought me back to reality. I pushed her away and she looked at me confused.

Elaine: Billie we shouldn't be doing this. I'm sorry I didn't mean to...

She kissed me I don't know why but I kissed her back. Her lips are so lush and they taste good. She then pulled away and smirked at me

Billie: I miss kissing you

I look at her and swallow my saliva.

Elaine: Billie this is wrong...

Billie: but it feels right

Elaine: Laura doesn't deserve any of this

She looks at me and I don't even see any sign of guilt.

Billie: Elaine I still...

Elaine: no Billie don't do that

Billie: (sigh)

I leave her there and check on the kids and find them getting dressed.

Elaine: hurry up your mom is waiting for you

I go freshen up then look at myself in my mirror thinking of what I've just done. How can I enjoy her kiss this much, it should be illegal well it kinda is because she's in a relationship. I then get in bed and sleep, after a while my door open and it was Aidan.

Aidan: mommie can I sleep with you?

Elaine: yes baby come

He gets in bed and snuggle in my and I kiss his his head.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now