252: only love you

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Elaine's POV

Billie has been begging me not to divorce her for an hour and a half now, we were now sitting down on the rug in the bedroom. I love Billie I really do but I also want to be happy.

Billie: Elaine please don't do this

Elaine: Billie I'm sorry

Billie: what should I do then?

Elaine: let me go

Billie: I don't think I can do that

Elaine: don't you want to see me happy?

Billie: I can make you happy again

Elaine: no Billie please let me be

Billie: don't you love me anymore?

Elaine: I do love you but it seems like love is just not enough.

She looks at me in my eyes and tuck my hair behind my ear.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too

She holds my head and kiss me. I've been craving her touch for a while now. She mashes her cold lips on my warm lips, just the right temperature kinda cold. We kiss then we pull away and we look at each other and I initiate the second kiss. We kiss gently then she slowly pushes me down and gets on top of me. She then started kissing my neck with the same gentleness. She then untied my robe and took off her t-shirt. Feeling her skin on mine sent my body to some place I don't know. I don't even remember the last time me and my wife made love. She then started going down, then unpinned my bra and massaged my boobs while kissing my neck. I let out a breathe and hold her tight. She then goes to my belly kiss me there and I feel butterflies. After that she got off me and started to kiss my legs. When she got near my gem, she kissed my inner thigh and then slide in her fingers in me and I arch.

Elaine: mmhhmmm Billieeee

She then started to muff me while her fingers slowly thrusting me. I roll my eyes from all the pleasure I was getting. She then fastened her pace in me and I moaned more.

Elaine: B-billieeeeeeee mmmmhhmmm

She then took out her fingers and slide in her tongue in me. Oh holy heavens this felt like heaven on earth. I whimper from the pleasure. She then slide back in her fingers and teased my g-spot. She tried taking her hand out after teasing my spot but I held her hand keeping it inside me. I then started moving it in circular motion. She moved like I showed her then I let go of her hand. She continued doing this with us looking at each other in the eyes.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I-I lo (moan) ve you oh my goodness too

She then went back and gave me head until I cummed. She then let me go and grabbed a towel to wipe me up but I wanted to wipe myself. After wiping my self I started getting dressed. After I was done getting dressed I sat on the bed, she also put her t-shirt on then sat on the bed next to me.

Billie: I missed you

Elaine: how could you when you were with her

Billie: baby I swear nothing happened

Elaine: I don't even know why I let you touch me, I guess I'm a fool for your love

Billie: baby please don't say that

Elaine: but Billie it's true

Billie: Elaine I love you, I only love you

Elaine: why you like making me look like a fool? Do you know how much I trusted you, I thought you changed. Had I known you're gonna do me dirty again I wouldn't have given you my heart again

Billie: baby please believe me I swear

Elaine: Billie what do you want me to believe? I found you both half naked on your bed and you were holding her

Billie: let me explain what happened

Elaine: I don't wanna know because you're just gonna lie to me


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