249: your words not mine

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Elaine's POV

Today I was Billie's date to some gala she was invited to, things are still rocky between us but we have to show a united front. I got dressed in a custom Gucci dress, that had a slit and showed cleavage. Skylar and Aidan where at Billie's parents so it was just Billie and I in the house.

Billie: are you done?

Elaine: yeah

I did finishing touches on my make up then we got in a limo. Normally Billie and I are inseparable but today we were sitting opposite each other avoiding eye contact, so I was just going through my social media accounts.

Billie: you look beautiful

Elaine: thank you, you too

I wasn't lying she looked hella beautiful also draped in Gucci from head to toe like me. That's the last thing we said to each other until we got in the venue, when we got there she helped me out the car and grabbed me by my waist. We walked to the red carpet and we had to pretend we're the happiest couple ever, we kept smiling non stop with Billie touching me. As soon as we passed the red carpet I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to us so I removed her hand from me. We then got in the venue and the gala started. The gala was more like an award ceremony but it wasn't being televised because it was private, Billie won a couple of catagories obviously then performed. While she was performing someone patted my shoulder, I turned around and it was Syd.

Syd: hey I'm Syd

Elaine: hi I'm Elaine

Syd: sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to say hi

Elaine: it's okay, nice to meet you Syd

Syd: do you mind if I join you for a second

Elaine: no not at all

Syd: thank you, you're beautiful by the way

Elaine: (blush) thank you, you also clean up well

Syd: (chuckle) I try

Don't look at me like that, it's nothing too deep we're just talking even though I know Syd is flirting with me. I mean when was the last time someone flirted with me, since my wife is always too tired to talk to me. We continue talking and she kept showering me with compliments, then Billie came back.

Syd: I'll take my leave now

Billie: no you can stay

I know Billie only said that so she can know what we were talking about because I wasn't gonna tell her since I'm mad at her.

Syd: thank you, you have a beautiful wife by the way

Billie: I know

She then looked at me and under the table she ran her hand on my thigh thanks to the slit, I removed it from my thigh.

Elaine: so you were still telling me about your upcoming song

Syd: oh yeah

She went on to tell me all about her upcoming song and Billie was just staring at us pissed but I didn't care. Then Syd wrote her numbers on my arm, since phones were not allowed in here. After sometime the gala ended and everyone left, Billie and I got in the limo and sat like we were sitting when we came only this time I had a blanket over me since I was a little cold.

Billie: really?

Elaine: (sigh) what?

Billie: you take other people's numbers in front of me?

Elaine: Billie I'm not in the mood to fight with you

Billie: then why are you doing stupid shit?

Elaine: so now I'm stupid?

Billie: Elaine what's wrong with you?

Elaine: I don't know oh maybe it's because my wife neglects me!

Billie: so now I neglect you?

Elaine: I don't know maybe we should look up the meaning of neglect on Google!

Billie: oh in your eyes I'm just a dumb bitch that doesn't even know the meaning of neglect?

Elaine: your words not mine

Billie: you were busy giggling non stop in my presence, I don't know what you think people are saying?

Elaine: that Syd did something you haven't done in a while make me laugh, that's what are people saying

The car came to a halt and the engine stopped so I got out of the limo and went in the house before Billie can answer me. Billie quickly got in and yanked me to her.

Billie: what did you just say?

Elaine: she does things you can't do!

I then got out of her grip and went to our bedroom upstairs and I freshened up and wore my oversized t-shirt. Billie got in after sometime and pulled me to her again.

Elaine: what do you want from me?

She just kissed me, I tried to wiggle out of her kiss but she held me until I gave in. We kissed then she slid her hand under my t-shirt and played with my nipples and I moaned, while she kissed my neck.

Billie: can she make you moan like this?

She then make a hickey on my neck causing me to moan more. She then took off the t-shirt and put me on the bed. She got on top of me and we kissed while she slowly took off my undies. She started going down on me while nibbling on my skin and I kept letting out moans. When she got to my torso she sat down and lifted my lower body up with my legs on her shoulders . My shoulders and head were the only part of my body touching the bed. Her face in between my thighs then she connected her tongue to me and I let out a loud moan. She continues and I bit my lower lip to avoid screaming from all the pleasure I was getting. She gave me head for sometime then I cummed, after I cummed on her face she slid in her fingers in me and thrusted me.

Elaine: mmhmm Billieeee

Billie: open your eyes

I did as I was told and she was looking at me still with her head in between my thighs.

Billie: I want you to scream my name

I just moaned from all the pleasure, she then slid her fingers deeper.

Elaine: aaaaaaaahhhh Billieeeeee

She kept thrusting me and teasing my g-spot

Elaine: Billieeeeee there uhmmmm

Billie: does she touch you like I can?

I shook my head

She slide her hand even deeper and I scream from the pleasure

Elaine: no no s-she doesn't

She then pulled her fingers out and went to get strap, she put it on and turned me around and made me arch then pounded me.  Let's just say she got me in "line" that day.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now