318: thank you

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Elaine's POV

I haven't said a word to anyone ever since I've been hospitalized except Lisa. He still came to see me and I hated him because he knew that I didn't want him here. He knew that his presence reminds me of what I lost. My mom got me a restraining order against him so he basically wasn't allowed to come here. Whenever he came he'd apologize and I'd just shut up, one day Billie forgot her keys here so she found him here they went outside and spoke after that day he didn't come back. I still wasn't talking, I guess it was my way of grieving. Two days ago I was discharged from the hospital so I went back to my house, mom and Lisa we're taking care of me. Well they tried taking care of me and I just wanted to be alone so I found their presence irritating, so I stayed in the dark in my room. My mom was so worried about me because I wasn't even eating, they'd bring me food and fetch it while it was untouched. Today I was heading for the third day not eating. Isa had been begging me to eat.

Isa: Elaine please eat, you have to eat

I just stare at her

Isa: sis please eat something.

She begs me until she gives up so she leaves and I hear her talking to mom.

Isa: she's still not eating

Sandra: I don't know what to do, we've tried everything

Isa: maybe someone can help let me get my phone

Sandra: who?

Isa: you'll see

I don't know who was she talking about, so I got in my bed and slept. After about an hour or so someone woke me up. I wake up and it was Billie.

Billie: hey mamas, I came to check up on you

So is this the person Isa was calling?

Billie: mamas why aren't you eating?

I kept quiet

Billie: mamas please eat

Elaine: (shuts up)

Billie: mamas please eat

I turn around and look away, she comes around

Billie: I'm not gonna leave until you have something

I close my eyes

Billie: I'll still be here when you wake up

I thought she was joking so I just sleep. I have a bad dream so I wake up panting and crying. Billie was still here so she quickly gets me water and helps me drink it, I was so dehydrated that I finished the whole bottle in one go.

Billie: it's just a dream I'm here

She hugs me for a minute then I pull away

Billie: do you want food?

I shake my head

Billie: please have a yoghurt then

I keep quiet

Billie: mamas please you'll at least have two spoons

I nod, so she goes downstairs and gets a yoghurt then comes back. She helps me sit up and she gets a chair and sit near me. She then takes a spoonful and directs it to my mouth and I think for a minute before opening my mouth. She kept telling to me about the kids while feeding me. After sometime feeding me she directed another spoonful I just shake my head and get in bed.

Billie: thank you

She then kissed my forehead and walked away, I wanted her to stay but I let her leave.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now