296: they like me

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Elaine's POV

Last night Lisa made me cry, but we slept okay because he apologized and we cuddled like I wanted us to. Lisa is very stubborn but ever since I've been pregnant he goes with what I say. He still treats me like a queen though like he always has been. It is morning so I slowly open my eyes to find Lisa staring at me. He looks at me and I look back at his emerald eyes.

Elaine: it's rude to stare

Lisa: not when staring my treasure

Elaine: (smile) morning

Lisa: morning how did you sleep?

Elaine: like a baby

Lisa: I'm glad because it's gonna be a long trip

Elaine: we're going to your parents?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: where do they stay?

Lisa: Italy

Elaine: we're going to Italy?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: what?

Lisa: baby don't panic you're gonna be fine

Elaine: I hope they like me

Lisa: they will trust me

Elaine: (sigh) okay, I'll go freshen up then

Lisa: okay

I get off bed then get in the shower and freshen up, after freshening up I pick out a nude flare dress and block heels. I put on the dress then go to the dresser table then put on my earnings and try to put on a necklace but Lisa comes and puts it on me while I lift my hair up.

Lisa: are you gonna wear these shoes?

Elaine: yeah, what's wrong with them?

Lisa: nothing I just think you should wear flats so you don't irritated your legs

Elaine: I'll just only wear then when we're walking I'll take them off during the flight.

Lisa: mhm, let me help you out then on

I give him my legs while I style my hair. When he was done putting on the shoes he went to freshen up. After he was done he wore a suit and I helped him with his tie.

Elaine: you look handsome

Lisa: you look beautiful too

Elaine: I'm so nervous

Lisa: don't be they'll love you

Elaine: you think?

Lisa: I know

Elaine: I hope so too

He kissed me

Lisa: let's go

Elaine okay

On our way to the jet he kept reassuring me that I shouldn't be scared.  I was hella nervous I mean you can't blame me, I don't know what to expect what if they don't approve because I'm divorced and stuff like that. When we got to the jet he kept making me laugh to keep my mind off things.

Elaine: you're lying you were anything but a walk over, in fact you were a player

Lisa: me? player never

Elaine: if not you were a bully then

Lisa: no I wasn't

Elaine: if you say so

Lisa: want food?

Elaine: (pout) why you always tryna stuff me with food?

Lisa: (kiss) I don't want you to starve

Elaine: I'm fine, I just wanna take a quick power nap

Lisa: okay sleep then

I had already taken off my shoes so I incline the seat and he covers me with a fleece, then he opens his laptop.

Elaine: bye

Lisa: sleep tight

Elaine: I love you

Lisa: I love you too

I then slept. After a few hours I woke up and Lisa was sleeping next to me. I lay there and just admire him, he looked so peaceful sleeping.

Lisa: why aren't you sleeping?

Elaine: how did know that I'm awake

He opens his eyes then look at me and smile

Lisa: if you sleep like a dead person in my world you won't survive

Elaine: (pout) but I hardly moved

Lisa: but I could feel your stare

Elaine: you just weren't sleeping

Lisa: (chuckle) I was until you woke up

Elaine: you'll make a good sitter then, you'll take the night shift when the baby is born

Lisa: (chuckle) I don't mind

Elaine: I wanna feel your warmth

Lisa: (smirk) how

Elaine: (giggle) not like that but like this

I get on top of him and sleep with my head on his shoulder.


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