242: Catwoman

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Elaine's POV

I wake up in the morning and Billie is not here, I get off the bed and go take a shower. When I get off the shower I just only wear an oversized t-shirt that looked like a dress and went to look for her. I find her in the gym punching and in the moment I knew for sure that I offended her yesterday because she hardly punches the bag. I hold the punching bag for her.

Elaine: good morning

Billie: morning

Elaine: Uhm about yesterday, I'm sorry I shouldn't have. I just got really jealous when I saw that kiss emoji, I know it's unjustified but please forgive me. I'll work on my insecurities I promise.

I was talking and she was just punching the bag. After I spoke silence filled the room, I didn't wanna rush her so I just kept holding the bag for her. After about five minutes or so she took off her gloves and drank her water then held me by my waist, she then kissed me until I couldn't breathe no more. I pulled away searching for oxygen.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too

Billie: (chuckle) that's why you be acting all crazy on me?

I smile and nod at her and she laughs.

Billie: are you okay?

She says pointing at my vj with her eyes.

Elaine: what you think you did?

She smirks at me then peck my lips and leave the gym. I follow her and she goes to the kitchen and she starts taking out fruits from the fridge.

Billie: want a smoothie?

Elaine: yes please

She makes us smoothies

Billie: I had booked you and Skylar a spa day in the hotel but you ruined it

Elaine: you cancelled?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: oh

Billie: why you wanted to go?

Elaine: no it's fine I'll go with Zara and Claudia

Billie: you wanted to go with me?

Elaine: (nods)

Billie: you know I don't like being touched by everyone, in fact the only person I liked being massaged by is the one that leaves scratched on my back

Elaine: (giggle) you own a cat?

Billie: (chuckle) maybe I have my very own Catwoman

Elaine: (giggle) but I would've really loved to go with you, we haven't done anything together in a while

Billie: okay I'll see what I can do

Elaine: thank you, but this time around I'm spoiling you

Billie: (smile) you wish

Elaine: babe just let me spoil you just for once

Billie: I only want you to spoil me in one way

Elaine: (giggle) Nah I'll take you out on a date

Billie: okay

While we were talking like that Aidan comes down. He stops halfway because he was tired and how he was descending was really something else

Aidan: mama

Elaine: come

He walks a few steps then when he was almost down he wanted to jump like Skylar always does but unfortunately for him he fell on his tummy. He started crying and I went to take him

Elaine: I'm sorry baby sssshhhh

He was crying histerically, the echos of his cries filled the whole house. I gave him a lollipop and he kept quiet.

Elaine: come let me see

He shows me his palm and he had a cut. I clean it and put on a band aid. I looked at Aidan who was sucking the lollipop and he looked like Billie, his hazel more blue-ish eyes and a dimple on his right cheek.

Elaine: come baby don't you want food?

He shakes his head

Elaine: don't you want to be bigger than Skylar?

He smiled at me, he loves the idea of being bigger than Skylar so that's how I trick him into things. Billie kisses my cheek then ascend.

Billie: I have to go freshen up or I'll be late

Elaine: okay bye, so what you wanna do with mommie today?

Aidan: cuddel

Elaine: you wanna cuddle with mommie?

He nods

Elaine: eat first then we'll cuddle all you want okay?

Aidan: eesss mommie

Aidan is such a momma's boy so I feed him then we go to the TV room, turn on the fire place and cuddle while we watch Nemo his favorite movie. I look at this innocent soul that loves me whole heartedly cuddling me. I kiss his head and he looks up at me with his bright blue eyes and smiles at me show off-ing his dimple.

Aidan: mommie

Elaine: mommie loves Aidan

Aidan: love mommie

I hold him tightly and kiss his head again then we watch the rest of the movie


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