299: unicorn

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Elaine's POV

After we had dinner I went to freshen up then sleep. I was a little jetlagged from all the traveling so I slept. Just when I was about to dream someone knocks on my door, I turn on the night lamp then sat up straight.

Elaine: come in

Lisa got in

Elaine: what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here

Lisa: I wanna see you

Elaine: but you saw me not so long ago

Lisa: ssshhh come let's go outside

Elaine: where?

Lisa: backyard

Elaine: okay let me put my shoes on

I put on some shoes then we go outside. We then go to the swing in the backyard. I get on the swing and he gently pushes me.

Elaine: you woke me up for this?

Lisa: I just wanna be with you

Elaine: okay let's sit down somewhere plus I'm cold

Lisa: here

He gives me his hoodie I look like a joke in his hoodie but who cares they're warm and smell like him. We go sit on the grass and talk.

Lisa: the sky is beautiful today

Elaine: they stars make a unicorn

Lisa: (smile) you believe in unicorns

Elaine: not really but they're my favorite mythical creature

He looks at me and I look at him then smile. He then leans in for a kiss and we kiss. He then lays me down and gets on top of me. We kiss for sometime then he slides in his hands under his hoodie and my PJ shirt then squeeze my boobs. I let out a moan, then after that he stands up while carrying me then I pull away and hold on tight to him. He gets in the house then go to my room. When he gets there he puts me on the bed and takes off my clothes, when I was naked he gets on top of me and we kiss he also take off his top and he's left with his chest binder then he slides down his pants and he was not wearing any boxers. When he was about to penetrate me I stop him.

Elaine: we can't do this here

Lisa: no one will know

Elaine: we can't

Lisa: I'll muffled your moans with my hand

Elaine: baby let's get dressed

I pushed him off me then got dressed in only his hoodie and he put on his pants and got in bed. I could tell that he was mad at me but we weren't gonna do it in his parents house not after they forbade us from sleeping together. He slept facing the ceiling I got on top of him then wrapped my legs around his torso.

Elaine: good night I love you

He just mumbled something

Elaine: you mad at me?

He kept quiet

Elaine: baby I'll give you some other time plus I'm a little tired, your baby is making me tired

Lisa: (sigh) little Russo isn't born yet but he's already costing me

Elaine: don't blame him, we weren't gonna do it here

Lisa: (clicks tongue)

Elaine: cheer up at least were cuddling

Lisa: let's just sleep I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow

Elaine: okay goodnight

Lisa: aren't you getting off me?

Elaine: no I love this position much better

Lisa: I like the other one better

Elaine: baby stop complaining


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