217: kiddo

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Billie's POV

I've been here since last night and it was now nine in the morning. While I was seated there I saw my mom coming my directions. When she got to me she gave me a tight hug.

Maggie: oh baby how are you?

Billie: I'm fine

Maggie: have you eaten anything?

I shake my head

Maggie: good thing I brought you soup

Billie: but mom...

Maggie: huh uh Billie you're having the soup, now have it

I drink the soup

Billie: how are the kids?

Maggie: Aidan has a temperature, Skylar is fine

Billie: (sigh) did you try giving him syrup?

Maggie: yeah but nothing, a doctor came by and he said he's fine. I guess he can feel that something happened to his mom.

Billie: I hope she recovers

Maggie: she will

While I was talking to my mom, Elaine's mom came.

Sandra: morning

Maggie: morning Sandra

Billie: morning

Sandra: oh poor Billie, you haven't slept have you?

Maggie: she haven't even eaten, I just forced her to have this soup

Sandra: I'm sorry dear, she's gonna be alright Elaine is strong

While they were busy talking the doctor went in to check on her then came out after sometime.

Billie: how is she?

Dr: she's better and her heartbeat is back to normal

Billie: can we see her?

Dr: not just yet

Sandra: please let her see her, she's her wife

Dr: I'm fully aware of that but I have to do what's in my clients best interest

Maggie: dear please, I'm sure you know how it's like to be in love

Dr: mam I'm sorry

Billie: it's okay I'll wait for the visiting hours.

Dr: thank you, I'll let you know the visiting hours

Then the doctor walked away and we sat there. After sometime Zara, Claudia and Fin came back with Drew and Zoe. Zoe quickly came to hug me.

Zoe: I'm sorry Bil

Drew:  sorry Bill, I hope she gets out of here

Zara: how is she?

Billie: she's better but she's still asleep

Sandra: where's Emanuel?

Zara: he went to sleep

Maggie: what really happened?

Then they all turned to me after all only me, Emanuel and Elaine knew what happened.

Billie: I don't think it's the right time to talk about this

Zoe: Billie come on

Sandra: she's my daughter I have the right to know

Billie: (sigh) she found Emanuel on FaceTime with Samuel

All: what?

Drew: why would he do that?

Billie: I don't know that's all I know

Elaine's mom was so mad, I could see steam coming out of her ears. After a few hours, they allowed us to visit her. I got in and she had a band aid in her hand and she looked so peaceful sleeping. I walked to her and pushed back her hair and kissed her forehead. For a minute I forgot everyone was here.

Billie: baby you scared me

My mom came and brushed my back.

Maggie: she's gonna be alright

I sat down next to her with her hand in mine while everyone stood there. They talk then they decide to give me some alone time with her.

Billie: you're gonna be fine, Skylar and Aidan miss their mommie.

My phone rang it was Hannah.

Billie: Hannah

I thought it was Hannah but a sweet small voice talks

Skylar: mom

Billie: baby, what's wrong?

Skylar: I got my report card

Billie: did you pass?

Skylar: uhm (excitedly) I want to tell mommie too

I turn to look at Elaine who was just lying on the hospital bed.

Billie: she's a bit caught up right now, I'll tell her to call you when she's done okay?

Skylar: okay, mom Aidan is crying

Billie: give him the phone

Skylar gives Aidan the phone, and he was crying.

Billie: big guy why are you crying?

When he hears my voice he stopped crying.

Aidan: mama

Billie: yes baby it's mama

He makes baby noises

Billie: don't cry okay?

Skylar: bye bye mom I love you

Billie: I love you too kiddo

I drop the call and sit next to Elaine's bed and her  heart monitor starts beeping. I press the panic button and doctors and nurses flood the room and they kick me out.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now