253: hurting me**

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Elaine's POV

Don't judge me for letting Billie make love to me, even though I want to divorce her. I love Billie very much, she's my first love so I'm not joking when I say I love her but I also deserve happiness. Billie has been nothing but good to me ever since we met but I've been feeling very disconnected to her. I thought I could handle marrying someone famous but I can't, I'm clingy and she's always never there. It was different when we were still dating or when we didn't have kids because I'd go on tour with her whenever I want but now I have many things to consider and I didn't have so much responsibility. I know I sound selfish right now, but I'd be more selfish if I stayed. I never want Billie to leave, not because I don't trust her or anything like that but it's because I'm affectionate and always want to have her by my side. I want to have my wife by my side always, I want to hold her, kiss her and do everything with her when I want but with Billie that is restricted. When she said she'd do anything to make me stay I was tempted to say she must stop going on tours but then that's how she makes a living for herself and besides that she loves what she does.

We were still sitting on the bed while I avoid her eyes because I couldn't bare to see her cry.

Billie: baby please don't do this

Elaine: Billie please if you really love me let me go. We've had our fair share of good and bad times together. You taught me love and everything I know about it, you didn't only stop there you were there for me at my worst. When I wanted to end my life you convinced me not to, you believed in me when I didn't believe in me too. You didn't stop there you gave me the most precious gift ever, motherhood. Billie I love you but I don't think I can take this anymore. Billie we're on different levels in life, you're a superstar and I'm just a nobody. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into when we got married but clearly I didn't, Billie I'm clingy and you're always away. Billie I want to always have you around but that's impossible because of the work you do. Billie I'm sorry I wasted your time, maybe if I had not come along you would've found yourself someone great who'll also understand that they can't always be with you but for me I can't because I'm greedy. I never want to share you and your work forces me to share you

Billie has been paying attention to me ever since I started talking, see she's also a very great listener.

Billie: baby we can still make it work, I could always ask my team to make tours shorter. Please Elaine I don't want to loose you. I can work on everything you said, I'll make time to be there whenever you want and need me, I'll be there when you wake up and when you go to bed at night. If I have to fly home after every show I will. If I have to stop being a musician I will. I'll find another way to make money. If I...

Elaine: Billie no, you see that's what I don't want. I don't want you to be a different person for me Billie. This is a part of you, who you are and what I just mentioned is very selfish and I don't want you to loose yourself because you want to keep me. Billie please let me go and you look so much happier with her.

Billie: baby I swear nothing happened, she came in there and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away and told her that I'm happily married to you

Elaine: Billie I'm not happy in this marriage anymore. I feel neglected, I feel unworthy of your love and affection. Billie I have needs that I want my wife to fulfill for me and you're never there to do that. I'm sorry Billie but please I need you to sign the papers

Billie: Elaine I'm not gonna sign them

Elaine: Billie please I'm begging you

Billie: I'm not gonna sign these papers, you're mine

Elaine: Billie please

She then pushed me on the bed hold my hands in one of her hands and took off my pants and undergarments then slide in her fingers.

Elaine: Billie let go of me

Billie: Elaine you're mine

Elaine: (cry) you're hurting me

She was having tics now I think it's from all the crying. She kept thrusting me while my hands were in her other hand.

Elaine: Billie you're hurting me

I tried freeing myself from her but nothing.

Elaine: Billie stop! (crying) you're hurting me please

She was having an episode so I wasn't even sure if she was hearing me because this is probably the worst episode of hers I've seen. Shouting at her won't help at this point so I should negotiate with her.

Elaine: (crying) Billie calm own, baby look at me

I don't know what was going on in her mind but she was having severe tics and I was feeling excruciating pain because her fingers where still inside me digging me.

Elaine: beanie

I see her calming down a little when I call her beanie. So I decide to reminisce about all the good times we've shared, my eyes were bloodshot red because I was crying.


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