223: insult my intelligence

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Elaine's POV

When whatever he gave me wore out, I gently got out of bed and I was sore. I wonder what happened to him being gentle with me. I got off bed and went to shower, I stayed there for about two hours. I haven't shed a tear I felt like I wasn't alive, I felt like a dirty old rag that anyone can hit it with when they're frustrated. I got out of the bathroom and walked to my office, when I got there I unlocked my locker and took out one of my sweaters and hoodie that I had kept there. When I was done with that I self medicated myself with all the necessary medicine for someone who just got raped.  I then sat on my chair numbly.

Billie's POV

When it was morning I quickly freshened up and went to the hospital. On my way there I passed by a flower shop and got Elaine daises, when I got to the hospital I went to the cafeteria and got her some energy bars. Since her doctor forbade me bringing her takeaways I always bring her her favourite energy bars. When I got to her room I opened the door with a huge smile but it quickly vanished when I didn't see her.

Billie: babe, Elaine are you here?

It was just silent, I searched in the bathroom and there was no sign of her. I tossed all that I had in my hand on the bed and pressed the panic button. Doctors and nurses came flooding.

Billie: where's my wife?

Nurse: isn't she in the bathroom

Billie: don't fucken insult my intelligence do you think I wouldn't have checked for her there?

Everyone started searching for her, some were even searching under the bed, under chairs you name it we even checked for her in drawers. I felt like I was about to explode. I've never been this scared in my whole entire life, that's the thing about fear when it consumes you, you just loose it.

After a while of searching the idea of calling her came, I did and it rang and when I was about to end the call she picks up.

Billie: baby where are you?

Elaine: in my office

Billie: what are you doing there? I'm coming

I felt relieved when she told me her whereabouts, in a split second I was in her office.

Billie: baby you scared me

She just looked at me, there was something about her. Her demeanour had changed, she looked like she didn't sleep too.

Billie: baby you should be resting

Elaine: I want to go home

Billie: but babe the doctors still have to monitor you

Elaine: are you gonna take me home or should I call an Uber?

Billie: mamas what happened?

She just kept quiet, I went in to hug her. I was just taking a chance, I thought she'd refuse my hug but she actually didn't she hugged me for some time, she hugged me like it was the last hug we'll ever share a hug. I also just get lost in her hug while gently stroking her hair until she pulled away. After she pulled away I packed her things and signed her discharge forms then drove her home. She was quiet all the way from the hospital. When we got home Skylar was excited to see her but she just gave her a faint smile and went to our bedroom. Sandra was in the kitchen but she came and stood next to me when she heard Skylar greet her mommie.

Sandra: is that Elaine?

Billie: yeah

Sandra: isn't she supposed to be in hospital?

Billie: she insisted on coming back and you know that no one can change her mind when she has decided.

Skylar: is mommie okay?

Billie: she's just tired

Sandra: honey come you have to get ready for class

I stand there perplexed about all that is going on. I'm not so sure what's going on with Elaine, if I didn't know better I would say it's her period or something but this just doesn't make sense.

-heyy❤️ I've decided to use (**) as a trigger warning next to the title of the chapter for every chapter that has triggers, so you can kindly skip the chapter if you're sensitive☺️ I'll still include trigger warnings in the beginning of those chapters thou. Hope y'all are well amidst all that is going on in the world❤️

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now