265: confidentiality

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Elaine's POV

Lisa and I made love the whole night yesterday. I wake up and notice that he's no longer in bed anymore. I wear his shirt then go downstairs. I find him making breakfast.

Elaine: morning

Lisa: morning my love, I wanted to make you breakfast in bed

Elaine: (smile) I'm so hungry, don't you want me to help you?

Lisa: you can get me plates

Elaine: okay

I take out the plates and give them to him. He dishes out the pancakes.

Lisa: you're not wearing a panty?

Elaine: no why?

Lisa: good, I want some morning glory before I go

Elaine: (giggle) aren't you too straight forward for someone who pursued a career that needs them to be calculated

Lisa: (chuckle)

Elaine: these smell good

Lisa: thank you, I love cooking

Elaine: you do?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: me too

Lisa: especially Italian food

Elaine: are you Italian?

Lisa: yes

Elaine: I see, this is nice by the way

Lisa: thank you

Elaine: aren't you eating?

Lisa: you know the kind of food I want

Elaine: how many minutes do you have left?

Lisa: about an hour and a half

Elaine: you have protection?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: (smile) come get it then

He came to me and put me on top of the dinning table and gave me head. When I was wet enough he wore protection and slide in his member and I moaned.

Elaine: babyyy ahhhh

Lisa: (groan) you're so tight

Elaine: (moan) Lisaaaaa ahhmm yeah

He thrusted me and made me cum then
he sits down on the chair and looks at me. We were so sweaty and my cum was dripping from the table.

Lisa: that was so hot

Elaine: (smile) yeah?

Lisa: yes

Elaine: I'm glad

Lisa: let me grab a towel

He goes to the powder room and grabs a towel then wipes me.

Elaine: I'm stealing this shirt

Lisa: (chuckle)

I then get off the table and go get cleaning material. I then start cleaning the table while Lisa went to freshen up so he can go. After he freshened up he promised to come during my lunch. He left and I finished cleaning and then I went to freshen up.

After freshening up I went to work. When I get there I work my ass off like I always do when I'm around. One thing about me is that I love to lead by example, so whenever I'm around I work hard so that my employees don't have a reason not to work hard. When it was lunch I went to my office and had lunch. Lisa came like he promised to.

Lisa: baby

Elaine: I thought you ran away after you got what you wanted (laugh)

He acts offended

Lisa: (pout) ouch, I told you I'm after your heart

Elaine: (smile) how are you?

Lisa: stressed

Elaine: what's wrong?

Lisa: it's just work related

Elaine: want a massage?

Lisa: yeah sure

I got off my chair and take off his blazer then massage him

Elaine: am I applying the right amount of pressure?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: so you wanna tell me?

Lisa: I'm sorry I can't

Elaine: it's okay I get it, client confidentiality

Lisa: yeah, how's your day?

Elaine: it was busy earlier

Lisa: baby don't overwork yourself

Elaine: I won't

Lisa: am I seeing you tonight?

Elaine: I'm sorry baby the kids are coming back

Lisa: it's okay no need to apologize

I kiss his head.

Elaine: thank you

I then lean in and wrap my hands around his neck.

Lisa: I have to go now

Elaine: you really have to?

Lisa: yes give me a kiss

I kiss his cheek

He stands up and pulls me to him and kiss me while grabbing my ass.

Lisa: I'll call you later

Elaine: okay

He then kiss me again, one thing about my best friend is that she never knocks. So Zara barges in while we're still kissing. I slowly pull away.

Elaine: we'll talk

Lisa: okay bye

He lets go of me and greets Zara then walks out

-hey y'all, I think some of y'all have noticed that I've been publishing and unpublishing. I've been have some problems with the app but I try to sort it out as soon as I see it. I wouldn't want y'all to read an unarranged book☺️❤️. I'm also trying to publish as much as I can so I can get this book over and done with so I can focus on my exams. If it happens I'll be done publishing this book next week because it's much shorter than the first book☺️ Hope y'all are well❤️oh before I forget Lisa was also kinda inspired by Brogay94 ❤️love her books☺️

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now