219: spoon me

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Elaine's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt silky soft hair on my hands, when I looked down I saw a sleeping Billie. I woke her up, my voice was very low and raspy

Elaine: Billie Billie

She wakes up and rubs her eyes then her eyes widen when she sees me awake and I just smile at her.

Billie: you're awake?

Elaine: mmhhmmm, can I please have water

She quickly pours me water and helps me drink it.

Billie: you scared me

Elaine: I'm sorry

Billie: never do that again okay?

I just nod and smile at her.

Billie: can I kiss you?

Elaine: (giggle) yes, I'm yours after all aren't I?

She comes closer to me and gentle kiss me and I kiss her back, she slowly pulls away. She looks at me with eyes full of tears

Elaine: baby I'm fine

Billie: you scared me

Elaine: (giggle) come on I was just pricked by a glass

Billie: you had a severe panic attack

Elaine: I did?

Billie: yeah

She shed a tear, I wipe it off her face

Elaine: I'm sorry I'll never do it again

Billie: it's okay

She sits on the seat next to me and curls up

Elaine: come sleep with me

Billie: I don't want to disturb you

Elaine: babe come on, we can both fit in here

She refuses so I had to convince her, then she finally gives in and get in bed. I wait for her to put her arm around me but she doesn't.

Elaine: why aren't you touching me?

Billie: I just thought...

Elaine: I want you to spoon me

Billie: (chuckle) cheeky again

Elaine: sshh let's sleep

She kisses my neck then tell me how much she loves me then we sleep. Very early in the morning I wake her up.

Elaine: baby

Billie: mmhhmmm?

Elaine: I'm hungry

She let's go of my waist and sits up straight

Billie: what do you want to eat?

Elaine: (smile) doughnuts

Billie: babe you have to eat healthy

Elaine: (pout) pleaseeeeee

Billie: (eye roll) now where will I get doughnuts at this hour?

Elaine: go in my office, there is the cafeteria key

Billie: how will I get in there?

Elaine: the passcode is your birthday

Billie: (blush)

Elaine: stop blushing and go

She gets off bed and goes, I stay there for like ten minutes waiting for her and she finally comes back. She had doughnuts and tea.

Billie: I'm back

Elaine: (smile) get in

She gets in bed and open Netflix on her phone and we watch while eating doughnuts.

Elaine: baby

Billie: Uhm?

Elaine: can you please help me to the restroom

Billie: sure

She gets off the bed and she helps me get off the restroom, the floor was so cold. She notices my facial expression when my feet hit the floor, so she just carries me.

Elaine: I'm not a baby y'know?

Billie: no you're not but you're my woman

I just get flustered and turn red from all the blushing. She gets me to the restroom then helps me when I was done peeing she carries me back to bed.

Elaine: where are the kids?

Billie: they're with mom, your mom is also here

Elaine: (giggle) you even called my mom?

Billie: babe why are you laughing? We had to call her

I cup her face and kiss her forehead

Elaine: I'm sorry baby, I'll never do it again okay?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: I love you

I said that as I was kissing her, she kissed me back and I deepened the kiss. I gently got on top of her and her hands roamed my body before settling on my butt. She held my ass then kissed my neck and I let out a moan, then the door opened. It was everyone including the doctor, the doctor was with Stacey my assistant. I quickly got off Billie.

Dr: it seems like she's already up and running

Drew: (laugh) she's definitely okay


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now