282: wrath

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Elaine's POV

Today it was Skylar's birthday, her grandparents decided to host her tea party. Yeah Skylar's birthday is tea party themed. I don't know how Skylar comes up with these themes but it's her birthday so we go by her rules. The tea party had retro vibes too, she is very picky about what she wants so we all had to dress like we're in the 80's. It was just a small gathering nothing much, it was just only family and some close friends. Skylar and Billie had gone to get the cake while I stayed behind and made sure everything is in order otherwise we'll feel Skylar's wrath.

Maggie: is your partner coming?

Elaine: no Lisa won't come

Maggie: oh okay

Billie's parents never liked Laura because they still hope that Billie and I will get back together again.

Elaine: are they back yet?

Maggie: no not yet

Elaine: okay, I'll go check if the bouncing house has been inflated

Maggie: okay dear

I go outside to check if everything was in order and it was. I then go back inside and Aidan comes to me carrying ice cream.

Elaine: where's mom and Skylar?

Aidan: in the car

Elaine: okay

I go out and I see them making their way inside.

Elaine: is there anything left in the car?

Billie: yeah some paper bags

Elaine: I thought y'all went to the bakery to get the cake

Billie: blame your daughter

Elaine: (giggle)

I go in the car and take the rest of the bags then go back inside and go to Billie.

Elaine: okay, I'm not sure what's not ready but I checked everything

I was kinda panicking, so she holds my shoulders.

Billie: mamas calm down

When she called me mamas I felt a chill go down my spine. It's probably the first time she calls me that ever since we divorced. I stare at her and she snaps her finger in my face.

Billie: are you alright?

Elaine: yeah sure I'm alright, so what were you saying?

She chuckles

Billie: come I'll take you through everything

She placed her hand on my back then we go. A few hours later the "party" starts then everything done in parties is done. Lisa gave me a gift to give to Skylar. He had gotten her a expensive antique tea party set. After the party Billie offers to take me to my house because earlier on we we're in such a rush that I even forgot to put in Skylar's cosmetic bag. We make small talk in the car until we arrive in my house. When we get there I go upstairs to get her the bag. When I come back I give it to her and our hands touch. She looks at them and then me, I look at her too. She comes closer and I don't move away. When she was about to kiss me Lisa walks in.

Lisa: Fiori I...what's going on?

Elaine: it's not what it looks like?

Lisa: what does it look like? Elaine tell me!

Billie: don't talk to her like that

Goodness tell me why is Billie getting involved. Now shit is about to get real because I can tell that Lisa is also a psycho like Billie. They walk closer to each other, I quickly get in between them and hold Lisa.

Elaine: baby calm down

Lisa: what the fuck is this?

Elaine: baby please calm down, Billie please leave

Billie: are you sure?

Elaine: yeah I'll be alright

Lisa got even more mad and he left

Billie: Lisa is not gonna hurt you right?

Elaine: no

Billie: are you sure you're alright here by yourself?

Elaine: yeah, I'll go after him

Billie: him?

Elaine: it's a long story

Billie: you don't have to explain it's fine

Elaine: thank you for standing up for me

I then noticed that she had our wedding bands in a necklace around her neck when she walked away. I wanted to ask her then I remembered that I still have to run after Lisa.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now