224: lifelessly **

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Elaine's POV

When I got to home I saw Skylar, she was so excited to see me but I had tears in my eyes so I just smiled at her and walked away. I never want my kids to see me cry. When I got to our bedroom I undressed and got in the shower, I started scrubbing myself. I scrubbed myself until some of my skin peeled off and I bled.

Billie's POV

When we got home Elaine went upstairs. I followed her and I heard water from the shower running so I let her be. I went to the lounge to help Skylar with her homework while Elaine's mom made dinner.

Sandra: where's Elaine?

Billie: she was freshening up

Sandra: it's been two hours now, go get her dinner is ready.

Skylar: I'll get her

Billie: okay

Skylar went upstairs and came back without her

Skylar: she's not opening for me

Billie: okay baby I'll go check her

I went upstairs and I could hear the shower still running, I tried to open the door but it was locked.

Billie: baby open up

It was just silent

Billie: Elaine open up

It was silent, I decided to go out the balcony and get in the bathroom through the window. When I got inside I saw a medicine container and it was empty, I opened the shower and she was lying there lifelessly. I felt my head spinning, I tried to shake her but nothing. I quickly unlocked the door and carried her to bed. I went downstairs to get my phone as my phone was there.

Sandra: what's wrong?

I just grabbed my phone and called a doctor.

Sandra: Billie what happened?

Billie: Skylar go to your room

Skylar: but mommie

Billie: now!

She looked at me with eyes full of tears but I didn't care because she was not about to see her mother like this. She went to her bedroom.

Sandra: Billie what happened?

I just kept quiet then I heard a knock, I went to open for the doctor

Sandra: what happened to my daughter?

I just looked at her with a sympathetic look, how was I supposed to tell her that her daughter tried taking her life.

Dr: where is she?

Billie: this way

The doctor and I rushed to the bedroom, she was still breathing but her pulse was faint. The doctor did all the necessary checkups and made her drink something from a small tube.

Dr: you got to her just in time

Sandra: is she gonna be alright?

I didn't notice her mom come in

Dr: yes but I have to hook her up to a heart monitor, because here it shows that her pulse is very weak

Billie: are they any side effects from what she took?

Dr: if all goes well what I gave her should reverse it

Sandra: thank you doctor

Dr: I should take my leave now

Sandra: I'll show you out

She went out and I went to sit on the bed next to her and held her hand.

Billie: Elaine what are you doing? Baby what went wrong?

I was now crying, I was so mad at her. How could she try to end her life with the kids around. What went wrong because last night when I left her she was fine now this.  I sat there then I heard the door slowly open, it was Skylar. Yeah she's stubborn like her mommie.

Skylar: mom

I got up and went to pick her up.

Skylar: why does mommie have a tube on her nose?

Elaine had some machines connected to her

Billie: she's not feeling well

Skylar: (sadly) is she gonna be alright?

Billie: yes baby mommie is gonna be alright, where's your brother?

Skylar: he's sleeping

Billie: let's go eat, then mom reads you a bedtime story

She nods then we go and eat dinner, after dinner I tuck her in and read her  Sleeping Beauty. After the story I kiss her forehead and hum to her.

Billie: sleep now angel mom loves you

Skylar: is mommie also gonna wake up when you kiss her, like the princess did after the prince kissed her?

Billie: she will angel, sleep now

Skylar: I love you mom

Billie: I love you too honey


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now