294: sore loser

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Elaine's POV

After my "lunch" I went back to work. My shift ended then I found Carlos Lisa's chauffer, whenever Lisa is unable to get me Carlos gets me. My legs have been acting so I don't drive incase they fail me while driving. When we get to the house I go freshen up, after freshening up I call Billie.

Elaine: hey

Billie: hey mamas

Elaine: how are you?

Billie: I'm good you?

Elaine: I'm good, I wanna talk to the kids if they're around

Billie: let me get them for you

She calls the kids and I talk to them and they tell me all about tour. After that they gave Billie her phone back and went away.

Elaine: they're so happy to be with you

Billie: I'm happy too to be with them

Elaine: (smile) I'm glad you could take them to tour again

Billie: (giggle) they're gonna do this until they hate it

Elaine: (giggle) maybe Aidan may end up not liking it but Skylar there's no way

Billie: yeah you're right, anyways are you good?

Elaine: yeah I'm good, just lot of work

Billie: mamas don't overwork yourself

Elaine: I won't.

Billie: pinky promise?

Elaine: pinky promise

Billie and I continue talking and she was telling me all about the funny moments Skylar and Aidan had on tour. I was laughing when Lisa walked in and kissed my neck.

Elaine: I have to go now, I'll talk to you

Billie:bye mamas

Elaine: bye

I then end the call.

Lisa: who was that?

Elaine: Billie

Lisa: mhm

I stood up and went to him. I kissed him

Elaine: how was your day?

Lisa: good just missed my baby momma

Elaine: she missed you too

I kiss him more, he lifts me up and we make out. I then get  off him.

Lisa: wanna watch a movie?

Elaine: sure but please let it not be erotic

Lisa: (laugh) okay come

Elaine: or we could play video games

Lisa: you want me to whoop your ass?

Elaine: we'll see about that.

Lisa: go get snacks I'll set up

Elaine: okay

I go downstairs and take out some snacks then wait for the pizza I ordered. After it arrives I go back up then get inside. Lisa has set up some cushions down and turned off the lights so the TV is the only source of light. I get in and I decide to change into an oversized t-shirt. I then sit down next to him.

Lisa: you ready to get your ass whooped?

Elaine: we'll see about that

We play the game and damn she was whooping my ass so I decided to disrupt him. I pushed him and his car crashed and I won. I then gave him an innocent smile. He got me on top of him and kissed me.

Lisa: you little cheater

Elaine: (giggle) you're just being a sore loser

Lisa: am I?

He said that while tickling me and I laughed. He put me down and tickled me more, he then pulled my dress up and did that thing I always do to Aidan. Where I blow his tummy.

Elaine: (laugh) okay okay I cheated

He let me go and kissed me.

Lisa: I love you

Elaine: I love you too, let's eat I'm hungry

We ate the pizza then he layed his head on my lap.

Elaine: you have beautiful eyes

Lisa: wait until you see of the human inside you

Elaine: (smile)

He opens his mouth and I pour juice in his mouth. We continue talking the whole night.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now