325: waste my time

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Elaine's POV

Billie is dating someone new but she still comes to visit me whenever she can. I could say I'm far better now than I was four months ago, I even stay with my kids again. I feel so bad for them because ever since Billie and I broke up they're the ones that suffer more than anyone else. They haven't really had a constant place to call home because of all the moves they had to do, I look back and realise that after I met Lisa I wasn't the best to my kids anymore. So I wanna dedicate all my time to them. Billie's birthday is next week and I've been trying to paint a canvas for her and it's not coming together the way I want to. So I decide to go to the mall and get some kind of inspiration. I grab my handbag and go out.

Skylar: mommie where are you

Elaine: the mall you wanna come with?

Skylar: please

Aidan: me too

Elaine: okay go wear your shoes

They go wear their shoes and we get in my car and I drive, Skylar was the one choosing the songs so she chose her mom's, we were now singing to Billie's song all the way to the mall. When we got to the mall we went to a paint shop to get some more paints then we went to the grocery store. While I was in the store I bumped into someone.

Elaine: oh I'm so sorr...

It was Lisa, he never goes grocery shopping so I'm surprised. I tried to walk away but he holds my hand. My bodyguard was with the kids in a different aisle.

Elaine: don't touch me

Lisa: can I talk to you?

Elaine: no thanks

Lisa: please Fio... I mean Elaine

Elaine: no Lisa I don't wanna talk to you, in fact what are you doing in a grocery store?

Lisa: I wanted to talk to you

Elaine: oh so you're stalking me?

Lisa: no

Elaine: leave me alone then

Lisa: please

I look at him and he looked remorseful.

Elaine: okay, let me pay here then we can go talk

Lisa: thank you

He tries to push my cart for me

Elaine: huh I never said do that

Lisa: but...

Elaine: do you still wanna talk or not?

Lisa: okay

I kept shopping while he was walking next to me like a lost cause, no I wasn't talking to him. After shopping I got my kids then we went to a restaurant, Skylar and Aidan went to sit on the table next to us while eating.

Elaine: you wanted to talk

Lisa: you look beautiful

I raise an eyebrow at him

Elaine: is that what you wanted to say? Lisa don't waste my time

Lisa: Fiori I'm sorry for what I did to you I shouldn't have done what I did. Elaine I love you and I'm sorry for the way I treated you, it was inhumane of me to beat you like that. I'm working on it though, I'm even going for counselling.

Elaine: good for you but you still haven't said what you're apologizing for

Lisa: I'm sorry for treating you the way I did

Elaine: is that all?

Lisa: and I'm sorry for making you miscarry

Elaine: Lisa don't sugar coat it say it like the way you used to hurl insults at me

When I said that a tear dropped from my face, he looks down and say it

Lisa: I'm sorry for killing our son

Elaine: why did you do it?

Lisa: I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight

Elaine: it's fine I forgive you but I just hope you learnt your lesson and you treat your next girlfriend better.

I wiped my tears away and stand up, kiss his cheek.

Elaine: bye Lisa, come kids let's go

Skylar: bye Lisa

Lisa: bye

We then went away. The kids kept asking me questions and stuff. I was serious when I told Lisa I forgave him, one would say it's too soon but what was the use of staying mad at him. Staying mad at Lisa would me just hurting myself, so I forgive him. I don't want to you lie it still hurts and knowing that my baby would be a month old now hurts even more. Meeting him brought back old pains so I distracted myself by continuing painting when I got home


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