251: good life

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Elaine's POV

Wow this again, history is repeating itself. I felt like I've just been stabbed with a knife seeing them like that. Billie let go of her and came to me.

Billie: baby it's not what it seems like I can explain

I just took a deep breath and looked at her. She came to me and cupped my face then pecked my lips. I just let her be, she pulls me close to her and lies straight to my eyes.

Billie: nothing happened it's not what it seems like

Why is she even denying it because I can clearly see that she's been having fun with Phoebii. I get her off me and look at her and Phoebii then take out my phone and book myself in a hotel.

Billie: baby can we talk this out

Elaine: what? That you've been sleeping with her?

Phoebii: no it's not what it looks like I swear, please let us explain

Elaine: I came to give you this

I handed the brown envelope to her then walked out. I was so hurt, I suspected that she was cheating on my but was it really necessary for the universe to make me see them. I got a cab then checked in a hotel then I slept.

Billie's POV

Gosh what just happened? Elaine is a calm person but this time she was a different typa calm. Phoebii apologized then left. I sat in my bed and opened the envelope, it was divorce papers. What the hell is going on, she wants to end us. I quickly got dressed and asked the IT guy to find where Elaine is for me. Her phone was switched off so we used her card to find where she is. We have access to each other's everything so it wasn't that difficult finding her. They sent me her location and I went to where she checked in, I told my bodyguard to not let anyone near me because I wasn't in a good mood and I don't want people to get the wrong kinda impression of me.

Elaine's POV

After a few minutes I wake up because I couldn't sleep. I decide to freshen up then when I was about to walk in the shower someone knocked at the door. I wore a robe and went to open because I thought it was room service as I had ordered red wine not so long ago. I opened the door and found Billie, I moved out of the way so she can get in. I saw fury in her eyes and she had the open envelope in her hand.

Billie: so you're ending us?

Elaine: I thought those papers are written in English

Billie: is there someone new?

Elaine: oh no no no, don't play that card on me. I'm no cheater like you

Billie: nothing freaken happened!

Elaine: yes because I came in before it could happen

Billie: oh gosh how am I supposed to tell you that it's not what it looks like

Elaine: she has a nice body, she doesn't have any cellulite. I bet that's why you don't touch me anymore (shed tear)

Billie: (sigh) Elaine it's not like that, you know I love you and everything about you

Elaine: (cry) Billie it's okay I get it, she's younger and more beautiful than me. I was stupid to think that you'll be my forever

Billie: baby please don't say that, I'm still Billie your Billie your forever

Elaine: no you're not, you're somebody else's now. You're not who I fell in love with, the person I fell in love with always made me feel valued and gave me time of the day but with you. You don't even care, I bet you don't even know that Skylar is graduating from kindergarten next week.

She looked at me with eyes full of shame and guilt, she had tears in her eyes.

Billie: baby I'm sorry

Elaine: Billie I've been trying to talk to you but you just shut me out. Billie I'm unhappy, I can't do this anymore. I'm bleeding internally in this marriage, you've just became someone I don't know.

Her eyes fail her and tears streaming out of her face too.

Billie: I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel neglected. I should have listened to you. Baby please I can't loose you and the kids.

Elaine: Billie I can't do it anymore

Billie: please I'm begging you

She got on her knees in front of me and hugged my legs.

Elaine: Billie please don't beg me, please let me go

Billie: mamas please, I'm sorry I'll make it up to you and the kids. I can't loose you and the kids.

Elaine: Billie you're not gonna loose the kids, that's why we'll coparent. I want my kids to have a good life and that is a life they have both parents.

Billie: but I'm loosing you


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