323: don't feel beautiful

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Elaine's POV

We were driving in silence, no not the comfortable kinda silence that deafening kind. I steal glances at her and she looks at me through the rear mirror, the tension was so bad you could cut it with a knife so I decide to break it.

Elaine: Uhm, I'm sorry for what I did last night. I shouldn't have done that, I was tired of sitting at home pitying myself. It's just that it's hard, I almost did what I promised you I'll never do again so instead of taking all those tablets I saw it better to go out and drown my sorrows.

She pulled up the car and hugged me

Billie: I'm sorry mamas, it's going to be alright. I'm here for you.

Elaine: (cry) how is it gonna be alright? I lost my baby, because I was stupid enough to think he'll change. Maybe I should've died along with him....

Billie: no mamas don't say that, we'll do everything we can for you to be better okay? We love you mamas, your babies love you

I pull away from her hug and wipe my tears away.

Elaine: I wanna see them please

Billie: okay mamas let's go get doughnuts then we'll go

She wipes off the tear I missed in my face

Billie: you're beautiful

Elaine: I don't feel beautiful

Billie: just know you are

Elaine: (smile) thank you

We drove to the doughnut shop while talking about random things. We go to the shop and to her parents house. When we got there the kids we're playing with Tinker in the lawn.

Billie: come

She went out and when the kids saw her they ran to her.

Billie: my beautiful angels

Skylar: mom look my tooth came out in the morning

Billie: the tooth fairy will give you money

Aidan: me?

Billie: (giggle) you'll also get money when your teeth come out, I brought you guys a surprise

Skylar: I wanna see

She opens the door for me and they run to me and hug me.

Aidan: mommie!

Skylar: mommie!

Elaine: (smile) mommie's babies

I wince in pain when they hug me because they hugged me roughly and that had an impact on my stitched abdomen.

Skylar: mommie are you okay?

Elaine: yes baby I'm okay

Aidan lifts him arms up signalling for me to lift me up, I do as he wishes and he was so heavy.

Elaine: what does granny feed you you're so heavy

He just smiles at me and I kiss his cheek. We then go in the house and I find Billie's parents there. I greet them and we just talk then I go play with my kids in the back yard.

Elaine: mommie missed you

Aidan was sitting on top of me clinging onto me.

Skylar: I missed you too, mom said you were away working

Elaine: (smile) yes baby I was working somewhere, sorry mommie didn't tell you

Skylar: mommie where is Lisa?

Elaine: Lisa and mommie are not friends anymore

Skylar: so we're not going to see him again?

Elaine: no baby you're not

Skylar: why you're not friends anymore?

Elaine: circumstances baby, you'll understand when you're older

Aidan: mommie where is the baby?

Yeah the last time they saw me I was pregnant so they had many questions.

Elaine: God took the baby, he's an angel now

Aidan: I also want to be an angel

Skylar: no Aidan I don't want you to die

Aidan: the baby is dead?

Elaine: yes honey, uhm let mommie go I'm coming

I went to the bathroom and cried, someone knocked.

Elaine: I'm in here

Billie: open mamas

I quickly wash my face then open

I try to go out but she delicately holds me by my waist.

Billie: are you okay?

Elaine: (fake smile) yeah

Billie: I came to check up on you

Elaine: I'm fine

Billie: are you sure?

Elaine: yeah I'm sure

We went out and played with the kids


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now