315: the baby***

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Elaine's POV

I'm now six months pregnant and things between Lisa and I are deteriorating. They got even worser, I was tired of being Lisa's punching bag so I'd fight back by biting him and scratching him but of course when he got me he'd beat the living shit out of me with any object he found first. When he did I'd curl up to protect my baby and he'd beat my back. One day he beat me with an electric cable and I was left black and blue. A doctor would come check up the baby every now and then. I was so tired of Lisa so today I'm finally leaving him. He gets in when I was packing my bags.

Lisa: and then where are you going?

I just shut up and continue packing he roughly holds my arm.

Lisa: I said where are you going?

Elaine: I'm leaving I'm tired of this

Lisa: you're leaving with my son?

Elaine: yes Lisa I'm leaving with my son

Lisa: Elaine don't tempt me

I let out a bitter giggle

Elaine: so now you care about him huh? Where was all this care when you were beating the living shit out of me? Where was that care when you burnt me? Where was that care when you left me on the floor bleeding from all the whooping you did to me? Huh Lisa? Tell me!

Lisa: Elaine I'm sorry, I lost control I never meant to hurt you

Elaine: wow this is starting to sound like a broken record to me! I'm tied Lisa I'm freaking tired!

Lisa: baby calm down you're upsetting the baby

Elaine: you're not serious are you? This baby is the reason I've kept up with you I swear! If it weren't for him I would've walked out the door long ago!

Lisa: baby calm down

I just ignored him and zipped my bag and then headed for the door, he pulled me by my leg and I fell on my stomach. I felt excruciating pain in my belly and he pulled me up by my hair then made me look at him.

Lisa: you're not going anywhere do you hear me?

I just wince in pain, my stomach was painful. Tears fill my eyes

Elaine: Lisa...the baby

Lisa: don't you dare disobey me!

Elaine: (cry) something is wrong with the baby

He just looked at me like a piece of trash and tossed me on the bed and he walked out. I immediately knew that something was wrong with the baby and I couldn't get help so I decided to sleep maybe it'll ease the pain since I can't take any medication. I get in bed and sleep, after some hours I wake up. When I do wake up I remove the blanket and see a pool of blood in between my thighs, tears fall down my face. I call for Lisa but he doesn't come, I slowly get out of bed and walk to the door. I could feel myself fading with every step that I took I then walked until I got to the stairs, now the problem was descending. I see Lisa with one of his friends watching TV, I assume sports.

Elaine: (faintly) Lisa

He ignores me, I call for him again and his friend turns and look at me. I was wearing a white dress so he could clearly see the blood.

Friend: Lisa there's something wrong with your girlfriend

Lisa: don't mind her

He says that without looking at me, I try descending but I just fall and roll down the stairs. The last thing I saw was Lisa telling me to keep my eyes open.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now