247: delusional

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Elaine's POV

I've been sitting here on the window nook  for about an hour or so,a lot has been going through my mind. Okay six months ago Billie went on tour as expected and we never talk or we only spoke once a week because she was always busy. Well I kinda got that and the fact that when she's traveling around the world there are different timezones and stuff.

Her tour started late, so she had to come back for the festive season and our birthdays. Now the problem started when I hardly saw her even when she was around, no don't get me wrong I'm not saying she should just laze around all day because I also work but I also make time to get home early so I can make dinner and tuck the kids in bed. She on the other side she's never at home, I asked her about it but she just brushed it off. After the festive season she went back to tour for few more months and she came back for the kids birthdays for about a day or two. Listen now this gets very interesting here, you see all the months I've counted they sum up to almost nine months right? During those months we haven't been really intimate, we only kiss. Don't get me wrong or anything I also have needs, you know what I'm saying is I prolly have a web down there now.

The kids and I had already had dinner and they are sleeping now, so I get off the nook and grab my laptop and start going through YouTube just to keep my mind off things. That's when your highness graced us with her presence, she walked up to me and kissed my cheek then she got in the bathroom and opened the shower, see what mean. After sometime she comes out of the bathroom and gets in bed. Now I wasn't gonna stand this anymore so I walk to the bed and uncover her.

Elaine: Billie what's going on?

Billie: huh?

Elaine: did I do anything wrong?

Billie: like?

Elaine: I don't know you tell me

Billie: let me sleep if you also don't know

Elaine: why are you avoiding me?

Billie: (sigh) Elaine what's wrong with you?

Elaine: what's going on with us? What happened to you calling me mamas? What happened to you being all touchy and also hungry for me? What happened?

Billie: (yawn) you're mad because I don't call you mamas?

Elaine: you don't get the point do you?

Billie: (sigh) what point?

Elaine: (tear drops) is there someone new?

Billie: what?

Elaine: Billie I'm asking?

Billie: stop being delusional

Elaine: then why don't you touch me no more? Why don't you talk to me anymore

Billie: so you woke me up because you want sex?

Elaine: (sniffle) Billie no! It's not sex I want it's my wife

I then walk out of the room and went to the guest room and cried. I couldn't believe Billie right now, how can she be so ignorant and the fact that she made me feel bad for telling her I feeling neglected. This is not the woman I married

I soaked myself in a tub full of bubbles until I stopped crying then I went to bed and slept in the guest bedroom. I tried sleeping but I just couldn't, I kept beating myself up. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, maybe I'm asking too much from her. In fact no I'm not, I'm not asking too much from Billie I just want her to be there. I may have been selfish with her in the past and now she's punishing me but what about our kids huh? They know they're mom is here but they've probably seen her three times from the two weeks that she's been here because she's always busy. You know what the worst part is? Skylar adores her mom and everyday when she comes from school she comes back excited hoping that maybe she'll find her mom here and she'll take her to a ice cream place like she had promised her. The sad part is I'm the one who has to deal with a disappointed Skylar and she doesn't want me to take her to THEIR ice cream place, she wants her mom to.


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