235: satisfied you

122 3 1

Elaine's POV

I was so mad at Billie for telling them, I knew that they're not gonna tell anyone but they also weren't supposed to know until I share it with them. I ran upstairs then locked myself in the room then cried. Billie came and begged me to open the door.

Billie: baby please open up

Elaine: go away

Billie: Cass please, I was just trying to help

Elaine: Billie go away

Billie: I'm sorry baby please open for me.

Elaine: you promised

Billie: I'm sorry for breaking my promise, it wasn't my intention to let them know

Elaine: Billie go away

Billie: baby I'm sorry

As much as I was hurt by what she did, I wanted to cuddle I open the door and she gets in and I slap her. After I slapped her she tries to pull me in for a hug but I push her away so she hugs me forcefully and I just collapse in her arms and cry.

Billie: baby I'm sorry

Elaine: you promised not to tell

Billie: I'm sorry

She lets me cry in her arms until I stop, when I stop she cups my face.

Billie: I know it's hard but we're in this together okay? I'm not leaving you ever, I love you angel

I was so ugly now, my face had turned a little red from all the crying. Billie kinda turned me on when she stood there like nothing happened when I slapped her.

Elaine: I'm sorry for slapping you, I shouldn't have

Billie: it's okay

I smash my lips against hers then we kiss and she pulls away.

Elaine: baby I need you

Billie: there are people downstairs

Elaine: tell them that I'm sleeping or something, I'm horny

Billie: you are?

I nod my head and she touches my boobs which was hard like a rock.

Elaine: you see? I need you

Billie: okay I'm coming

She goes downstairs then come back after a little while.

Elaine: took you long enough

Billie: sorry where were we?

She said while getting on top of me kissing me. She got in between my thighs and caressed them while I took off her clothes. She slowly takes off mine still not breaking our kiss. She then started kissing my neck and I let out a moan. She goes down to my boobs and belly still kissing me and massaging my thighs. When she got to my waist she slightly pushed me up the bed then started kissing my inner thighs and leaving hickeys. I let out a little whimper.

Billie: I'm marking you as mine

Elaine: y-yes

She then opened my folds and licked my happy button. I arch from the pleasure and she spreads my legs even wider then she gives me head. While she was giving me head she put on a strap, then slide in her fingers in me and I grasped for the sheets.

Elaine: mmmhhhmmm Billie

Billie: when I'm in between your thighs I'm daddy okay?

Elaine: yes daddy

She thrusts me with her finger for sometime then took them out dripping my juices and slide in the strap. I moaned, then she stroked me and I heard her groan.

Elaine: babyyyyyyyyy

Billie: you're so good

She then increased her pace, while I moaned like crazy. I then switch positions and I get on top of her, yeah she taught me. I told you Billie likes to experiment. I ride her and I hear her moan, I assume I'm doing it right. She then got me off her and she hits it from the back then I cum. After I cummed she pulled out and kissed me then wipes us then we layed in bed.

Elaine: that's was great

Billie: I'm glad I satisfied you

Elaine: I love you

Billie: I love you too

We then stay there naked and cuddle. She plays with my hair until I doze off

-I really had no business being that nasty❤️

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now