291: heir

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Elaine's POV

Lisa and I just made love so now we were laying in his bed. He was holding my waist and then he started to kiss my neck.

Lisa: Fiori?

Elaine: yeah?

Lisa: don't ever leave okay?

I just nod and he makes a hickey. Lately I've become very sensitive, so when he does I wince in pain. When he was satisfied with his hickey he turned me around and started kissing me. I kissed him back then he tries to penetrate me but I stop him.

Elaine: I'm tired

Lisa: okay

Elaine: Lisa

Lisa: yes Fiori?

Elaine: I wanna ask you something and I don't want you to lie to me

I moves away a bit so he can look at me in the eyes.

Lisa: okay

Elaine: you said to me you're a preacher's kid why did you lie?

Lisa: I wasn't lying my stepfather is a preacher

Elaine: oh, Angelo is your brother and he's older than you right?

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: then why isn't he the leader but you?

Lisa: Angelo was adopted by my dad he's not my blood but he sure is my brother

Elaine: oh

Lisa: are you done with your questions?

Elaine: no, what is it that you exactly do?

Lisa: I can't tell you that

Elaine: okay, Lisa?

Lisa: baby?

Elaine: how does it feel like to kill someone?

Lisa: Fiori I can't answer that

Elaine: but you said you're gonna be honest

Lisa: I'm being honest by telling you I can't answer instead of lying to your face

Elaine: mhm okay, how many people have you killed?

Lisa: I lost count

Elaine: okay can a girl be an heir?

Lisa: no a girl can't be an heir

Elaine: why? Not because she belongs in the kitchen? She's not strong enough for you?

Lisa: no baby we respect women, we make sure that their educated and independent, no man would want to risk he live of their daughter

Elaine: but a boy child has to be an heir

Lisa: yeah

Elaine: so what if the girl is older than the boy?

Lisa: still

Elaine: Lisa I don't think I want my child to be in a gang

Lisa: (sigh) that's not your decision to make

Elaine: but their my child, I'm the one who carried them for nine months

Lisa: yes they are your child but they have to learn to live without you and take over our family legacy

Elaine: why do you sound like you want to take away my child from me

Lisa: I wouldn't do that Fiori every child needs a mother

Elaine: thank you for being honest with me I'm done asking questions.

He then pulled me closer to him and kissed me, I kissed him back then he put my leg on top of him. After he does that he plays with my happy button and I moan. He then teases me by brushing his member on my entrance and he groans. He gets on top of me while massaging my boobs which are a little tender. I then let out a moan and he penetrates me. When he does I let out a scream of pleasure. He then slowly thrusts me, he was slow but every thrust was deeper than the other. He makes love to me while kissing my neck. He then opens my legs even wider before increasing his pace. I was moaning and screaming Lisa's name. Lisa enjoyed every part of it especially when I screamed his name. He then pulled out and turned me around. He made me arch in a way that's suitable for him to have his way with me. After that he looped his hand around me and started massaging my happy button so I let out a moan, while I was moaning like that he gets in me and thrusts me aggressively. Let's just say I screamed his name the whole night, he sure was making up for all the time he didn't touch me.


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