281: boy or girl?

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Elaine's POV

Times seems to pass by fast because it was almost Skylar's birthday. She was sitting on the couch next to mines and I was busy on my laptop. Skylar and I are close but I'm super close with Aidan. Skylar and Aidan are the total opposites but the love they have for each other is top tier. Aidan and I are super close and Skylar is much closer to Billie, because they're both people's people where as Aidan and I are more reserved. Skylar and I were just talking about anything.

Skylar: mommie?

Elaine: yes honey?

Skylar: can I ask something?

Elaine: yeah sure baby

Skylar: is Lisa a boy or a girl?

She caught me completely off guard, so I closed my laptop took off my specs then pat the spot next to me signalling for her to come sit. She came and then I made her lay on her back while I played with her hair.

Elaine: why are you asking?

Skylar: I don't know just

Elaine: (smile) what do you think?

Skylar: I don't know

Elaine: (smile) does it matter if a person is a boy or a girl?

Skylar: (shook her head)

Elaine: is Lisa a good person?

Skylar: yes

Elaine: so why does it matter if whether he's a boy or a girl?

Skylar: it doesn't

Elaine: you see, you don't define people by their gender. As long as they're human that's enough

Skylar: yes mommie

Elaine: (smile) mommie loves you okay?

Skylar: I love you too mommie

I kissed her head then she jumped to hug me. I hugged her and she wrapped her legs around me and I stood up and she remained with her limbs clinging onto me.

Skylar: you're so strong

Elaine: (giggle) get off me so I can make you food

Skylar: ten more steps

I walk with her still hanging from me to the kitchen then I put her on the counter.

Skylar: can I help you?

Elaine: okay you'll clean

Skylar: (whine) mommie, I'm tired of always cleaning I wanna chop

Elaine: no baby you can't use a knife you're still young, okay rather you pass me the ingredients

She smiles at me and I help her get down then she opens the fridge, I smile back at her innocence. Kids are so precious I tell you. I then get a call from Lisa.

Elaine: Mr Russo

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: how are you?

Lisa: I'm good, I'm outside I want to give you something

Elaine: okay come in

Lisa: okay see you just now

Elaine: see you

He drops the call then after a minute or two there's a knock on the door. Skylar sprints to open, Lisa carries her when he sees her.

Lisa: hey Sadie how are you?

Skylar: I'm good

Lisa: where's mommie?

Skylar: in the kitchen

They come to they kitchen and he puts her back on the counter top then kiss my cheek.

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: hey how are you?

Lisa: I'm super good

Elaine: did something happen?

Lisa: yeah, I want you to go to a gala with me on the 23rd of July

Elaine: sorry baby I can't that's Skylar's birthday

I see the smile vanish off his face.

Lisa: oh it's fine

Elaine: I'm sorry baby, I was gonna invite you but it seems you can't come

Lisa: yeah I can't miss this gala, I'll meet some very important people

Elaine: I would've loved to but I can't I'm sorry

Lisa: don't feel bad about it, it's fine

Elaine: wanna join us for dinner?

Lisa: Uhm...

Elaine: I'm not taking no as an answer

Lisa: okay but I'm not sleeping over

Elaine: your loose

Lisa: (chuckle)

After I was done cooking I go get Aidan from the craft room and we have dinner.

Lisa: this is great

Elaine: thank you

Aidan: can I please sleep late?

Elaine: what will you be doing?

Aidan: playing

Elaine: no baby it's school tomorrow

Skylar makes a face at him

Elaine: huh uh Skylar, you're also going to bed at the same time as Aidan

Now it was Aidan's turn to laugh at Skylar.


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