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Elaine's POV

So today Billie took Aidan to a play date and I was left with Skylar. Me and Skylar decided to do face masks and polish our nails you know? Do all girly things, I love spending time with Skylar because she's so girly like me. I had just prepared the face mask and I was about to apply it on Skylar and she was also apply it on me.

Elaine: are you ready?

Skylar: (nod)

Elaine: okay

I start applying the mask on her.

Elaine: how is school?

Skylar: it's nice, but I don't like it because some people only want to be friends with me because they say you and mom are famous

Elaine: sorry baby don't mind them, where is Annie?

Skylar's best friend is Annie and she's always telling me about her, Annie has slept over a couple of times she's a very good kid.

Skylar: she's mad at me

Elaine: what happened?

Skylar: I broke her glitter pencil

Elaine: did you apologize?

Skylar: (blinks)

Elaine: Sadie that's not how I raised you, you should go apologize okay?

Skylar: yes mommie

Elaine: I'll get the two of you glitter pencils okay?

Skylar: (smile) okay

Elaine: I'm done putting on your mask

Skylar: okay I'll put yours

She stands on the sofa and starts applying it.

Skylar: mommie?

Elaine: baby?

Skylar: can I please go to a slumber party

Elaine: aren't you too young for parties like that?

Skylar: mommie please

Elaine: no baby you can't but as soon as you're responsible enough then you'll go

Skylar: but all my friends are going

Elaine: (sigh) you haven't been to grandma in a while don't you wanna visit her?

Skylar: I wanna go to the slumber party

Elaine: okay you can go

Skylar: (smile) thank you I love

Elaine: (laugh) want a snack?

Skylar: mmhmm

I go to the kitchen and start making snacks when Billie comes in carrying Aidan in his baby seat asleep.

Elaine: baby

Billie: mamas

Elaine: how did it go?

Billie: he was scared of the animals

Elaine: (laugh) sorry he troubled you

Billie: (smile) what are you making?

Elaine: snacks for Skylar and I

Billie: let me go put Aidan in his room

Elaine: okay

She goes upstairs, after I made the snacks I put them on the coffee table then go upstairs. I get there and I find Billie on her phone. I walk up to her and kiss her.

Billie: (smile) what was that about?

Elaine: I missed you

She tries to hold my face but I tell her not to because of the mask on my face. So we kiss without touching.

Elaine: (giggle) I swear it's like we're participating in the kiss but don't touch challenge

Billie: (smile) you taste sweet

Elaine: (smile) don't you wanna join us?

Billie: no

Elaine: oh come on it'll be fun

Billie: huh uh

Elaine: (smirk) come I'll reward you at night

Billie: (laugh) you got me

Elaine: come

I try to pull her but she doesn't move she just pulls me to her and carry me and grip my thighs

Elaine: (smile) I said at night

Billie: I just wanna kiss you

Elaine: you'll kiss me all you want at night, now let's go

Billie: okay, give me one more kiss first

I laugh then I kiss her

Billie: Mrs Me

Elaine: (smile) I'm so honoured to be Mrs you

Billie: I love you mamas

Elaine: I love you too, now get me down and let's go

She gently puts me down then we go join Skylar. Skylar also applies the mask on Billie then we had snacks. It was an amazing day as we got to spend time with Skylar and Aidan after he woke up.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now