317: never have kids

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Elaine's POV

It's been two days since I found out my baby is no more and I haven't said a word to anyone. I'm also not eating so they're feeding me through a drip. My family would come visit me and I'd just stare at them like a dead person, they tried getting me to talk but still. I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant but that excitement was taken away by all the things I endured at Lisa's house. Had I known things would turn out like this, I would've left the first time he chocked me. I stayed at Lisa's for the sake of my unborn baby which will now never be born.

Everyone was here in my room talking and stuff and I was just numbly watching them. The nurse got in carrying a file, then asked to talk to my mom but she told the nurse to say whatever here.

Nurse: Uhm okay, we were able to clean her womb and stitch it up. Even though she won't have kids anymore it shouldn't give her problems.

Everyone turned to look at me when the nurse said that. I just blinked non stop as I was trying to make sense of what the nurse just said. She just said I'll never have kids again, I just turned around and now everyone was facing my back and I let tears flow. Billie came and wiped my tears away and I just looked at her as more tears kept pouring. My head was now spinning that I didn't even hear anything said after.

Billie: you'll be okay, I promise

I just shut my eyes and slept. I felt like a dead man, it was like Lisa pulled my heart out and twisted it until it ran dry and shredded it then gave it back. I slept and woke up and they were still here. I tried to get out of bed but Billie stopped me.

Billie: where are you going?

I looked at her then the bathroom, she took a wheelchair and sat me on it then pushed me to the restroom. When I got there she helped me pee, I saw the scar on my belly. My eyes glisten with tears when I see it, Billie notices and pull the gown down to close it.

Billie: it's not your fault mamas, you're still beautiful

I gave her a faint smile, it was the first time I've made an expression since I was hospitalized. She helped me back to the wheel chair then got me in bed when we were back in my room. They stayed for about an hour more then everyone left and I slept again. When I was sleeping I felt someone brushing my hair then I recognised the cologne, I knew it very well. It's of the same man that got me pregnant and killed my child. I open my eyes and they meet with his when I open them. I couldn't help it when I saw him I  broke down.

Lisa: I'm sorry Fiori

His tear fell on my cheek

Elaine: why are you sorry Lisa? You're sorry you killed my baby?

Lisa: Fiori it was never my intentions

Elaine: you could've just said if you didn't want me and the child anymore, I wouldn't even have taken you to court for maintainance

Lisa: Fiori I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill him

Elaine: well you did, like you kill everyone else

Lisa: baby

Elaine: don't call me that

Lisa: Elaine baby please forgive me

Elaine: I'll never forgive you Lisa never! I hope he haunts you

He buried his face on top of me

Lisa: baby I'm sorry

Elaine: I should've never fallen for you! You're just a monster

Lisa: please don't say that I love you

Elaine: no you don't, you never did. You don't treat someone you love the the way you treated me

I was now sobbing

Lisa: baby please

Elaine: I never wanna see you again

Lisa: Elaine please I love you

I just cried, when he said those words he pierced me with a spear.

Elaine: go Lisa

Lisa: Elaine please

I pressed the panic button and doctors came, they got security to chase him out.


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