285: my house our home

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Elaine's POV

I got out of Lisa's house and got in my car then drove home. When I was still driving I saw his car behind mine and I started to speed. He sped too, if had I known that my night would end up like this I would've taken a faster car in the garage. He sped and drove past me and then he parked his car horizontal in the middle of the road blocking me. I stop my car just far enough from his and I see him coming out of his. So I just do a U-turn and drive away. I sped to my house when I got there I found him already at the gate, blocking it. I wanted to make another U-turn then go to my other house since I was alone in the house anyway. Before I could make it several cars blocked all ways to escape. Lisa is really starting to piss me off right now. I turned off the car and one of the bodyguards opened my door. I just looked at him and he roughly grabbed me.

Elaine: you're hurting me

Lisa: fuck off I said bring her here, I never said hurt her

Man: Cappo she doesn't wanna get out

Lisa: it's fine it's her choice if she wants to stay like this the whole night.

I sat there for like ten more minutes and then I saw that there was no use because Lisa is probably serious. I got out of my car and got in his backseat where he was now seated. I got in and closed the door.

Elaine: what do you want?

Lisa: (sigh) watch that pretty mouth of yours

Elaine: or what Cappo you're gonna hit me?

He looks at me in amusement and I get even more pissed. He cups my face with one hand and kiss me, I wiggle to get out of his hold but he doesn't let go. After kissing me he looks at me.

Lisa: Fiori let's go home

Elaine: what home?

Lisa: my house our home

I click my tongue and look away from him.

Lisa: baby I can't tell you, it's better if you know nothing I don't want to risk your life

Elaine: why don't you wanna tell me?

Lisa: I'm trying to protect you

Elaine: I'm a big girl I can protect myself

Lisa: baby trust me

Elaine: why don't you trust me?

Lisa: I do trust you, it's just not the right time to tell you

Elaine: well then you'll come back when it's the right time

I said that while trying to open the locked door.

Elaine: open I wanna go

He just sighs and opened the door for me to go out.

Elaine: tell your goons to move their cars I wanna get in

He just looked at me and I got in my car, after a few minutes the cars started disappearing then his car was the only one left. He moved it from the gate then I got it. When I got in my house I went to freshen up then sleep. I was so tired, Lisa was also stressing me.


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