272: unable to control myself

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Elaine's POV

I wake up and notice that I'm not in my house then I remember that I'm at Lisa's. I sit up straight and notice he's not in bed anymore. He had a study connected to his room, he was there and he had left the door slightly opened. I sit in bed and try to eavesdrop but he was speaking a language I don't know, I'm assuming it's Italian. I wrap myself with the sheets then go to him. When I get to him I touch his back and he turns around to look at me. He wraps up his call then smiles at me.

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: morning

Lisa: how did you sleep?

Elaine: good you?

Lisa: like a baby next to you

Elaine: (smile)

He kisses me then I pull back.

Elaine: I haven't brushed my teeth

Lisa: I don't care

I just smile at him and shake my head.

Lisa: quickly go freshen up I'm taking you out

Elaine: I didn't think we were gonna go out, I brought my casual outfit

Lisa: I'll get one of the helpers to get you something then

Elaine: where are we going?

Lisa: I booked you in a spa

Elaine: really?

Lisa: yeah, I'll be meeting with a client

Elaine: oh

Lisa: don't be sad I'll only have a meeting for about an hour then I'll be all yours

Elaine: okay, I'll just wear my clothes then

Lisa: are you sure?

Elaine: yeah

Lisa: okay

I go freshen up then wear my shorts,black lace bodysuit, bicker jacket and Jordans then I go down and find Lisa drinking coffee. When he sees me he stares then he becomes serious.

Lisa: you're not leaving dressed like that

Elaine: like what?

Lisa: like that

Elaine: I thought were going to a spa

Lisa: we are but not while you're dressed like that

Elaine: well I like my clothes

Lisa: Elaine I'm not kidding

Elaine: (fuming) two minutes in this relationship and you're already dictating how I should live my life

Lisa: (sigh) baby I'm not trying to dictate your life I just don't want people to see you like this

Elaine: you're aware that I've done magazine covers in bikinis right?

Lisa: yeah I know

His emerald eyes turned a little greyish showing that he's mad. He walks up to me and roughly kiss me, then he cupped my boob and squeezed it. His grip on it got tighter with each second passing by.

Lisa: Elaine I'm very possessive, if you want this to work then you should know that I don't want my girlfriend to flaunt, okay?

His grip on my boob was tight and it was both painful and pleasuring at the same time. I just kiss him and he kissed me back and lifted me up and pinned me against the wall. We made out then he pulled away.

Lisa: we have to get going before I'm unable to control myself

Elaine: what if I want you to loose control?

He just pulls away then we left but before we went to the spa he got me jeans to wear. He said he's fine with my top, I can flaunt a little. Can someone tell me why am I letting him do me like this. I go to the spa and he goes to his meeting, an hour turns into two and two turns into a few more hours.

-hey hope y'all are well❤️ uhm I've been having technical problems I don't know what's going on with the app so I'd advise y'all to check if the chapters are in consecutive order before reading them☺️❤️

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