208: partly yes

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Billie's POV

I woke up and went to freshen up and went to the kitchen to make me and Elaine breakfast, because I knew she'd wake up hungry and I was also hungry too. I was wearing my sweat pants and a crop top, I totally forgot that we have a visitor. When I was putting everything in the tray Emanuel walked in, when he saw me I wished the earth would swallow me. Luckily he didn't stare or make me feel awkward, he faced the other direction and made coffee

Manu: morning

Billie: morning, how are you?

Manu: I'm good you?

Billie: I'm good

Manu: are you gonna eat all that alone?

Billie: (chuckle) no it's for me and Elaine

Manu: oh

He gives me that knowing look but I just ignore him and walk upstairs, when I get in I find the bed empty.

Billie: baby

Elaine: in the bathroom

I put the tray in bed and walk to the bathroom and find her wearing one of my shirts brushing her teeth. I spank her ass.

Billie: you look good

She rinse her mouth then turns around to kiss me

Elaine: thank you

Billie: come I made you breakfast

Elaine: thank goodness only if you knew how hungry I am I'd eat an elephant

Billie: I know I worked quiet an appetite

Elaine: come I'm starving

She leads me to the bed while swaying her hips.

Billie: what are you trying to do?

Elaine: what are you talking about?

I smirk at her and she giggles, we get to bed and eat our breakfast over light conversations.

Elaine: what are you doing today?

Billie: spending time with my beautiful wife

Elaine: (smiles) so what you want to do?

Billie: anything is fine with me, but mom asked for Skylar and Aidan

Elaine: I don't see any problem there, we can take them

Billie: thank you

Elaine: (smile) so what are we gonna do today?

Billie: just cuddle?

Elaine: I have a better idea, we'll order in and play video games

Billie: you want to play video games?

Elaine: yeah the one you like playing seems interesting

Billie: okay

Elaine: but I don't know how to play it

Billie: I'll teach you

Elaine: okay

We were eating while she kept blushing

Billie: sup mamas?

Elaine: you should wear crop tops often, your packs look good

Billie: (chuckle) I'll consider it

She takes my arm in her hand and trace my veins with her fingers

Elaine: you're so daddy

Billie: (chuckle) babe are you okay?

Elaine: yeah, you just look super good today

Billie: (chuckle) because I'm wearing a crop top?

Elaine: partly yes

After we finished breakfast we got in the shower together and freshened up. We kissed here and there but we didn't do anything beyond that. After that we freshened up and took the kids to my parents, who scolded us for leaving Emanuel behind because they wanted to meet him. We went back home when we got there we found Zara and Emanuel all cosy in the sofa.

Elaine's POV

Elaine: oh hi Zara, did I forget a meet up?

Zara: no not at all, I just wanted to check up on you

Elaine: yeah sure

Billie was holding my waist all along, so I get off her grip and sit in between Zara and Manu.

Elaine: Billie and I are going to play video games wanna join us?

Manu: yeah absolutely

Elaine: okay I'll get the controller

Billie: I'll set up here

Manu: let me help

Manu and Billie set up for us to play, when they were done we started playing. Well let me just say Billie and I were whooping Zara and Manu, well mostly because Zara would mess up their opportunities. We were all sitting down on the ground and I was sitting in between Billie's legs. When we won I turned around and kissed her.

Zara: will y'all stop sucking each other's faces

Elaine: you're just a sore loser

Billie laughs and her phone rings, she excuses herself. I also go to the powder room, when I walk out I find Zara's and Manu's faces inches away from each other.

Elaine: uhm

Zara gets startled and fix herself and pretends as if nothing happened. I slowly walk up to them and ask to talk to Zara, we walk to the patio outside.

Elaine: Zara what are you doing?

Zara: nothing

Elaine: what about Brian?

Zara: (silence)

Elaine: gosh Zara don't fall for his charms, he's my brother I know him.

Zara: it's just that he's just y'know

Elaine: Zara please don't fall for it

Zara: I'll try

Elaine: stay away from him he'll break your heart

We go back inside and Zara decides to leave. When she leaves I turn to Manu

Elaine: you won't stop will you? Emanuel stay away from my friend okay? Please stay away from her.

I then go upstairs angrily. After a while Billie comes.

Billie: baby what's wrong?

Elaine: just hold me

She spoons me and kiss my head

Billie: calm down


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now