307: belong together

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Elaine's POV

I left Lisa's house with the bodyguard guarding me at all times. When I got to my house I changed into a tight nude dress and kitten heels. The bell then rang while I was on the phone. I signal for the guard to open for her and she gets in. I mouth make yourself comfortable while talking to the phone. She looks at me surprised, yeah my belly was a little bigger now plus I was wearing a tight dress. She drinks some juice, I then finish on the phone.

Elaine: hey

Billie: hey how are you?

Elaine: I'm good you?

Billie: I'm good, I see you're expecting

Elaine: yeah that's one of the things I want us to talk about, let me grab my jacket then we go

Billie: okay

I go grab a jacket and a bag then we go.

Billie: he's also coming with us?

Elaine: (roll eyes) yeah he goes everywhere I go

Billie: okay so how do we go about this?

Elaine: we can use your car then he's gonna drive me back.

Billie: okay

We got in Billie's car and through out the way I kept laughing because she was telling me tour stories of the kids and jokes. Then ocean eyes came on on the radio and she wanted to change the station but I got to the radio button first and our hands touched. I looked at her and she looked at me, she froze for a second then she removed her hand on top of mine and I turned up the volume. Luckily when all this happened we were on a red light otherwise we would've crashed

Billie: you still listen to this?

Elaine: yeah it's still my favourite song

Billie: (smile)

We drove in silence until we got to the restaurant, when we got there we went to our table then the bodyguard sat just a table away from us.

Elaine: thank you for agreeing to meet up with me

Billie: sure

I go through the hospital portfolio and we discuss some things. After discussing those things I decide to just tell her about this whole situation.

Elaine: uhm Billie

Billie: yes?

Elaine: well I'm pregnant as you can see, I wanted to tell you before you heard it somewhere else

Billie: okay I appreciate that, the procedure treated you better than the last time

Elaine: uhm there was no procedure

Billie: huh?

Elaine: Billie, Lisa is intersexual

Billie: wait, as in like?

Elaine: yes Lisa is a he

She kept quiet and looked at me.

Elaine: I know it's a lot to take in but I wanted you to know

Billie: thanks for that

We then kept quiet and ate our food. Billie turned for a minute and I saw our wedding bands again so I decide to break the silence.

Elaine: you still kept our ring?

She looks down and smile

Billie: yeah

Elaine: can I see them

She gets them out underneath her t-shirt and I lean in and hold them.

Elaine: they're still in good shape

Billie: yeah

Elaine: I also still have the tattoo

Billie: can I see

I give her my hand and she scans the tattoo then look at me

Billie: does Lisa know about it?

Elaine: yeah and he hates it

Billie: what did he say

Elaine: a lot of things but it's my body

Billie: (chuckle) still stubborn I see

Elaine: can I ask you something

Billie: sure

Elaine: why you still have the rings?

Billie: for the same reason you still have the tattoo

I feel my throat tighten when she says that, so I take a sip of my juice.

Elaine: I only have the tattoo because I'm scared to remove it, I heard it's more painful

Billie: (chuckle) I still have these because I believe we belong together

Elaine: oh


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now