214: in between

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Elaine's POV

Billie and I have been in a very good place for the past few weeks, but Zara still wasn't talking to me. I've been getting weird calls, where by the person would call me then after calling they'd just keep quiet.

So today Emanuel went to visit a "friend" and Billie's mom fetched Aida n yesterday. Skylar was also in school then she'd go to her grandparents so that meant it was just Billie and I. We just came back from the beach, we were now in the outside shower washing the sand off us.

Elaine: that was refreshing

Billie: yeah

Elaine: (smile) you look so pretty with wet hair

Billie: you know when else do I look pretty?

Elaine: (shakes head) no

Billie: in between your thighs covered in your cum

Elaine: (giggle) oh yeah?

Billie: yeah

She comes close to me and kiss me, I kiss her back then pull away.

Elaine: race you to the house

I then pushed her from me and ran away, we run until she caught up with me. When she got to me she lifted me up while kissing me. I then wrapped my legs around her torso and deepened the kiss while she walked upstairs. When she gets to our bedroom she got in and pinned me against the wall while kissing my neck. She holds both my hands in hers against the wall then get me off her while she took off my bikini bottom. She then sat down underneath me and played with my happy button, and I moaned and pulled her hair. She took my bikini bottom and tied my hands behind my back then ate me up while I was still standing. I felt my legs going jelly.

Elaine: babyy I-I can't s-stand

She just smiled at me and continue eating me up, my legs were so jelly from all the pleasure. I slowly go down, she pulls away with a smug look on her face.

Billie: baby stand still

Elaine: I can't my legs

She gets off the ground and untie my hands and carried me, then lay me on the bed.

Billie: you'll be fine here?

I just nod as words were caught in my throat because she was playing with my happy button.

Billie: words

Elaine: y-yeah (moan)

She goes back to what she was doing and gives me good. She guves me head while she slowly thrusts me with her fingers. She slowly increased her pace and I finally cummed and she pulled out. She gave me a giddy smile with my juices all over her face, then got on top of me and we kissed. She got off me and went to grab a towel, which she wiped her face then me. When she was done she took a thong and a baggy t-shirt and made me wear them. She tucked me in bed then got inside too facing me.

Billie: how are you feeling?

Elaine: ecstatic, where'd you see that?

Billie: nowhere just thought of it

Elaine: (giggle) you're so weird

Billie: it's not my fault you're all I think about

Elaine: (giggle) think about me or what you could do to me?

Billie: both

I just kiss her then I pull away

Elaine: I love you

Billie: I love you too

Elaine: I'm hungry

Billie: come I'll make you something to eat

Elaine: aren't you hungry?

Billie: I just had my full course meal

Elaine: (smile) you say?

Billie: yeah want me to show you?

Elaine: (giggle) let's go I'm hungry


It was already late maybe around eight, we went downstairs and I sat on the counter top while Billie was busy preparing me something. She was wearing baggy shorts and a tank top. The tank top was kinda tight on her so I could see her packs and the veins on her arm.

Billie: what are you staring at?

Elaine: nothing

Billie: you're lying

She came and got in between my thighs and we kissed while she was caressing my thighs. The make out session got steamy and then Emanuel walked in.

Manu: oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you

Billie helped me get off the counter

Billie: it's okay man

Manu looks at me and smirks at me. I just ignore him and Billie makes us burritos, when she was done we went to our room and ate them over a Netflix series


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now