225: sorry

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Billie's POV

I slept on the couch next to the bed yesterday. I feel hands moving, I wake up and Elaine wakes up too. I look at her and she seemed like she didn't expect to wake up. When she saw me staring at her she looked down and tears streamed out her face.

Billie: why did you do it?

She kept quiet

Billie: baby what happened talk to me

She kept quiet again

Billie: baby it's me your Billie, talk to me

She just mouthed I'm sorry

Billie: mamas talk to me

Elaine: I'm sorry

Billie: baby what happened?

She just kept quiet and cried

Billie: Skylar nearly found you

Elaine: I'm sorry

Billie: Elaine talk to me

Elaine: (cry) I'm sorry

We were both now in tears as I was begging her to talk to me and she kept apologizing. Her mom walked in

Sandra: the doctor is here, oh baby you woke up

I quickly wiped my tears away and went to fetch the doctor. The doctor came in.

Dr: good to see you awake

She just faked a smile, you know what? If she's not going to tell me I'm gonna find out on my own. I took my car keys and headed to the hospital, when I got there I went to the control room. I demanded the camera footage from her room, well there is no camera inside hospital rooms but there are in the hallway. I saw that a few hours after I left a man came in and got out maybe after an hour. What stood out the most to me is that he buckled his belt when he got out, checked if anyone saw him then put his hoodie on and left.

When I saw that my head started spinning, it can't be happening again. When I put all the puzzles in place it all made sense, why she was limping when I fetched her and when she was snapping at everyone. I quickly drove back home, when I got home I went straight to our room.

Billie: I want to talk to my wife in private

Dr: we're not done just yet

Billie: now! I want to talk to my wife

The doctor and her mom walked out. I walked to her and I could clearly see she was avoiding my gaze. I walked to her and sat on the couch and took her hand in mine.

Billie: why didn't you tell me

She pulled her hand away, my eyes were red from all the crying I did from the hospital to here.

Billie: baby why didn't you tell me what happened in hospital

I lifted my head and looked straight in her eyes. She just looked at me with eyes full of tears

Billie: baby you don't have to do this alone, I'm here for you. I meant it when I said for better or worse, I love you unconditionally

She cries and her voice breaks when she speaks

Elaine: I'm sorry, I should've fought him or something

When she confessed I felt rage take over me, I already knew but it seemed like I was in denial. So when she confessed I wanted to kill whoever did this to her.

Elaine: (cry) I don't want my kids to see me like this, Billie I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of fighting a loosing battle.

I hugged her and she just let it all out on my shoulder. She cried until she had hiccups, I helped her drink water.

Billie: baby this is not a loosing battle, we'll do this together just like we always go through things together. Please don't give up, don't try to take your life. Do you want Skylar to have bad memories of you? Do you want her to be the one who finds you like she almost did?

She shakes her head, I wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead.

Billie: we love you okay?

She nods

Elaine: please sleep with me

I take off my shoes and get in bed and cuddle her to sleep.


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now