209: shall we?

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Elaine's POV

Zara spent most of her time here for the past two weeks, she'd lie and say she wanted to check on me but we both knew she just wanted to see Emanuel. I always complained to Billie about how much I didn't like this but she just thought I'm reading too much into nothing. I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling while Billie was trying to choose an outfit.

Elaine: baby I just don't get why Emanuel always goes for my friends y'know?

Billie: baby you're probably just overthinking this

Elaine: baby I'm not I swear, Manu does this every freaking time

Billie: okay let's say they're together then, what's the harm in that?

Elaine: baby are you crazy? Zara is in a relationship

Billie: but not married

Elaine: oh my goodness Billie you've officially gone mad

Billie: have I?

She gets on top of the bed and tries to take my thong off but I stop her.

Elaine: you can't be serious I'm telling you about something serious and all you're thinking about is sex?

She gets on top of me and kiss my neck

Billie: baby we haven't been intimate ever since that day

Elaine: but babe....

She just smashes her lips against me, I try to resist her  but she continues so I give in. She makes love to me then leave me feeling jelly.

Billie: wanna go on a date?

Elaine: yeah sure

Billie: change then we're leaving in ten

Elaine: I wonder what happened to being romantic

Billie: stop complaining and go

I get off the bed and go freshen up, Billie is insane if she think I'll rush I still want to look good you know. I freshen up and wear a figure hugging long black dress with a slit and tie my hair into a clean bun then put on some jewelry and perfume then walk downstairs. As always she was busy on her phone, when she heard my footsteps she spoke without looking at me.

Billie: you're ready to...

She looks at me and smile

Elaine: yes I'm ready to go

Billie: you look beautiful

Elaine: thank you

Billie: shall we?

Elaine: of course

We walk out and got in the car then went to some restaurant. We placed our orders and waited for them over light conversations

Billie: how was your week?

Elaine: it was stressful, with all the drama going on with Zara and Emanuel

Billie: babe

Elaine: I know you think I'm over reacting but we should do something

Billie: babe why are you trying to stand in the way of love?

Elaine: you have officially gone mad I'm telling you, babe what about poor Brian?

Our order comes in

Billie: (smile) thank you, but babe what if your brother is serious about Zara?

Elaine: you're not listening to me

Billie: babe just let it be

Elaine: (sigh) I'm just worried that Zara will fall for him and he'll just ditch her like he always does with all the other girls

She holds my hands

Billie: babe I get that you care about them but these people are adults let them be.

I keep quiet for sometime and then I smirk at her

Billie: baby drop whatever you're thinking

Elaine: what? I just want to have dinner with all my friends

Billie: I assume with Brian too

Elaine: he's a friend isn't he?

Billie: (sigh) Elaine

Elaine: it's all gonna work out

Billie: you sound like a madwoman

I just smile at her and peck her lips. I then take out my phone and start inviting everyone.

Billie: I guess this date was just a waste of time

I continue typing not paying any attention to Billie who was sulking.

Elaine: I'm gonna make it up to you in bed okay?

Billie: (rolls eyes) yeah right

Elaine: I'm almost done...and done. Now I'm all yours

Billie: we should just go home

Elaine: what we haven't even had dessert


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